We announce the immediate availability of Servoy 3.0 Release Candidate 6
NOTE: this is PRE-RELEASE SOFTWARE, use with caution and make BACKUPS before you start.
This version is available through auto update and download page on Servoy website (developer section)
[fix]-pdf printing from webclient (missing text_area's)
[fix]-image plugin memory leak
[fix]-solution import bug
[fix]-font definition in css which has an incorrect size (0)
[fix]-cancel developer securitydialog login (inconsistent state)
[fix]-beans properties (like name) not set correctly
[enh]-webclient checkbox alignment improved
[new]-databaseManager.setCreateEmptyFormFoundsets() turns the default foundset record loading off (must be called in solution open method)
[chg]-newRecords are default created ontop (unless specified with an argument) which is much faster UI wise
Previous releases: