We are pleased to announce the availability of Servoy 2019.06 release candidate 1 (release number 3500)
Besides the normal all in one installer we have: jar or exe
we have now installers per platform ( windows, osx, linux)
These installers are just zip/tar files that just needs extraction in a directory.
On OSX you need to run "firstuse.command" after extracting the tar.gz file and before starting the developer. This file is places in the root of the extracted files
An installation (coming from the normal installer or from a platform specific archive) is now shipping with with a Java VM (Java12)
So for the platform specific archives you don't need to install or java have on your system.
The all in one installer still needs java for itself.
In this release we also added Chromium to be used as the browser for the Form Editor and Servoy Package Manager, this can be enabled in the preferences, at this time this works for windows, but on OSX it crashes (and linux it can depend on the distribution you have)
The developer can be updated by the http://download.servoy.com/developer/la ... ecandidate update site url.
This is in our "latest" release stream (06,09,12) if you want to stick the the lts release then disable that releasecandidate url and stick to the urls with "lts" in the name
If you update to this release you have to do a new install of 201903 to go back to an the LTS release branch
Noticeable changes:
security hardening, session hijacking with cross site scripting made a lot harder because the websocket session is split up, where one portion is not readable in javascript
eclipse upgraded to 19.03/4.11 (this also can bring java lib updates like http client)
Bundled PostgreSQL is updated to 10.7
java lib updates to oauth and broadcaster plugins
js lib upgraded (bootstrap 3.4.1, jquery 3.3.1, jquery-ui 1.12.1, angular 1.7.7)
Form and Table security can now be configured to be in explicit mode, so the user only has rights to stuff from the groups the user is in if the groups have explicitly set that it is allowed.
First cut of NGDesktop client support, you are able to launch the ngclient in the NGDesktop wrapper (build on electron/chrome), more support will be added in the coming releases
Form Designer for css positioning forms can now quickly set "anchors" on multiply components at once through the new "anchoring" menu
component/service spec: deprecation support and component "moved" support.
ViewFoundSet support in developer, now can create one like in mem and use them in forms directly (with an onload callback to fill it when first used)
WarExporter: license should now be given as 3 arguments: license.company_name , license.code and license.licenses
Added a new Service solution type so it is more clear that this a a rest/headless client type of solution.
Servoy Theme roller: added a 201906 release
API Changes:
foundset.dispose() -> call this to to help the system to clear the foundset when a lot of foundset are created for bulk processing
datasources.db.server.getTableNames() api added
Added api to JSUtils for string/byte/base64 conversions:
byte[] JSUtils.stringToBytes(String)
String JSUitls.bytesToString(byte[])
String JSUtils.stringToBase64(String)
String JSUtils.base64ToString(String)
String JSUtils.bytesToBase64(byte[])
byte[] JSUtils.base64ToBytes(String)
i18n.setLocale(language, country, extensions) api added for extensions support: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial ... sions.html
i18n.getI18NMessage(key, country,language) added to get a translated message for another country/language then the client.
Enabled all working history.xxx api for ngclient .
Added APP_NG_PROPERTY.WINDOW_BRANDING_TITLE, APP_NG_PROPERTY.WINDOW_BRANDING_ICON_32, APP_NG_PROPERTY.WINDOW_BRANDING_ICON_192 for use with: application.putClientProperty to be able to override the branding per client instance
JSRelation.joinType to change the join type to one of the: QBJoin.LEFT_OUTER_JOIN, QBJoin.INNER_JOIN, QBJoin.RIGHT_OUTER_JOIN, QBJoin.FULL_JOIN
security.canAccess(form [, elementname]) and security.canView(form [, elementname]) added for programatically be able to see the security for forms or its elements.
See the issues list for a complete overview.
Also 3 packages are release, for the designer it is needed to upgrade the 12grid package. Also the other packages did upgrade to the same bootstrap/jquery ui packages as the core to not have conflicts:
Servoy Extra
bootstrap components
warning because of the version changes of servoy, 83/84 will see also those packages, because it doesn't match correctly on the supported version. So be aware if you still use 83 or 84 to not install those updated packages above.