Servoy R2 2.0 RC1 available

Release notes for Servoy betas

Servoy R2 2.0 RC1 available

Postby Jan Aleman » Thu Jan 15, 2004 6:56 pm

We announce the immediate availability of Servoy 2.0RC1.

NOTE: this is a Release Candidate, use with caution and make BACKUPS before you start.

Make a backup of your current Servoy installation directory. If you don't use Firebird as your repository database also make a backup of the database you use as a repository database server.

Servoy 2.0RC1 is only available via autoupdate. Start Servoy developer 1.2 or 2.0bx and you will be notified about it. This version does not yet contain the new database engine.

[enh]-more functions on security node
[enh]-encrypted ssl communication between server and client
[enh]-relation editable on portal
[enh]-mail plugin supports attachements
[fix]-security didn't work properly in b6
various other fixes

Earlier enhancements and fixes:
[enh]-you can now use alt-arrow left and right keys to navigate history
[enh]-place image with correct size
[enh]-delete of multiple media's at once in media dialog
[enh]-date chooser improvements (null == current date, today button, next (or prev) month switches year when needed)
[enh]-images improvements (best of old and new world)
[enh]-stored procedure and database functions call changed (in/output params, must specify the complete call string like "{? = call sp_calcTotal(?,?)}".
[enh]-expand/collapse arrows in the debugger window added to splitpanes.
[enh]-windowMenuDialog is not longer modal and can be used for fast switching between forms during designing forms.
[enh]-tabpanel tab coloring possible via JavaScript
[enh]-it is now possible to use non related tab panels
[enh]-use of system page setup dialog is now optional in developer preferences (apple did required special one, windows can still use system dialog)
[fix]-Memory leaks and
[fix]-getColumnName does not return first column
[fix]-radios/checks focus gained after change data
[fix]-Javascript Engine fix, Datatypes (String/Number/Dates)
[fix]-MSSQL Server solution import problems
[fix]-MSSQL Server problem when a report is using subsum icw 2 sort columns
[fix]-plugin API now also exposes "final fields"
[fix]-rectangles/media fields are now showing all JavaScript methods in code editor
[fix]-reporting grandtotal was not working in all cases
[fix]-use of multiple subsumaries was not working in all cases when sorted differently
[fix]-global relation are now really global, anywhere useable (not longer bound to table)
[fix]-transparency on rtf/text_area now working
[fix]-usage of some beans not allowed
[fix]-problem with resizing font dialog
[fix]-security dialog/import issue ... ight=#3930
[fix]-duplicate form bug
[fix]-mediafield not accessible for javascript
[enh]-remove solution protection (if password is known)
[enh]-server plugin properties are shown admin page
[enh]-storedProcdure support in databaseManager
[enh]-possible to provide initial value to application.showColorChooser(...)/showFontChooser(...)
[enh]-added "-upgradeRepository" flag to server start argument to let the server upgrade the repository.
[enh]-added application.executeProgramInBackground(...)
[enh]-application.writeXMLFile('text.xml',thexml) //writes with the file with encoding as specified in the xml
[enh]-checkboxes/radiobuttons do wrap_horizontal when vertical scrollbar is to never or does layout wrap_vertical when horizontal scrollbar is set to never
[enh]-create temporary files: var tempFileName = application.createTempFile('myfile','pdf')
[enh]-db dependent layer (hibernate), repository on Sybase and firebird 1.5 also work now
[enh]-developer option to use system page setup dialog
[enh]-file plugin
[enh]-global rename in dataprovider dialog
[enh]-global search replace in method editor
[enh]-major image display improvement
[enh]-possible to exclude elements from the tab sequence
[enh]-request last job name on scheduler plugin
[enh]-return false; in form.onHide stops hiding (when for example in dialog)
[enh]-scheduler plugin needs get last runned cron job and args to method
[enh]-stored procedure calling now possible with databaseManager.executeStoredProcedure(...)
[enh]-support for font dialog popup: var font = application.showFontDialog()
[enh]-var thexml = controller.printXML()
[fix]-Scrolling in HTML fields not working
[fix]-debugger has no longer one line mismatch
[fix]-find on not used foundset failed
[fix]-if (dateCalc <= endDate) now works
[fix]-lazy blob loading did not work for related data
[fix]-line clipping
[fix]-no progress shown when creating new release after export
[fix]-stringToNumber change
Last edited by Jan Aleman on Fri Jan 16, 2004 5:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Jan Aleman
Jan Aleman
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Postby Harjo » Thu Jan 15, 2004 7:17 pm

after upgrading a worstation form 2.0b5 to 2.0rc1,
my was completly overwritten!!
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Postby ROCLASI » Thu Jan 15, 2004 7:39 pm

Hmm...seems it won't use my repository in postgres. It won't update/recreate one either...unless I delete it first I guess.

Known issue ?
Robert Ivens
SAN Developer / Servoy Valued Professional / Servoy Certified Developer

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Postby Harjo » Thu Jan 15, 2004 7:41 pm

I did an upgrade from 2.0b6 (on my other workstation) and everything went fine!

Don't know what happened before :?
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Postby Harjo » Thu Jan 15, 2004 8:16 pm

[enh]-more functions on security node
[enh]-encrypted ssl communication between server and client

Can somene tell me, where to find the more functions on security node?
and maybe some tips how: encrypted ssl communication works?

Thanks in advance!
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Postby Jan Blok » Thu Jan 15, 2004 8:51 pm

ROCLASI wrote:Hmm...seems it won't use my repository in postgres. It won't update/recreate one either

Are you using the old Postgress db without drop column support?
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Postby admin » Thu Jan 15, 2004 8:59 pm

HJK wrote:
[enh]-more functions on security node
[enh]-encrypted ssl communication between server and client

Can somene tell me, where to find the more functions on security node?
and maybe some tips how: encrypted ssl communication works?

Thanks in advance!

You can find the new functions by clicking on the security node in the Methods editor, you know have methods to add users to groups, to create users, delete users, change passwords etc. Highlight the syntax to see the syntax.

For SSL configuration point your webbrowser to:
the howto is right there.

Both items will be documented more in detail in the final 2.0 documentation that is being finalized as we speak.
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Postby Jan Blok » Thu Jan 15, 2004 9:05 pm

HJK wrote:after upgrading a worstation form 2.0b5 to 2.0rc1,
my was completly overwritten!!

Impossible is not in the update!
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Postby ROCLASI » Fri Jan 16, 2004 5:00 am

Jan Blok wrote:Are you using the old Postgress db without drop column support?

I use PostgreSQL 7.3.3.

Or to be precise: PostgreSQL 7.3.3 on powerpc-apple-darwin6.6, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 3.1 20020420 (prerelease)

AFAIK you can't select tabletypes like in MySQL.

I am missing something ?
Robert Ivens
SAN Developer / Servoy Valued Professional / Servoy Certified Developer

ROCLASI Software Solutions / JBS Group, Partner
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Postby admin » Fri Jan 16, 2004 8:51 am

ROCLASI wrote:
Jan Blok wrote:Are you using the old Postgress db without drop column support?

I use PostgreSQL 7.3.3.

Or to be precise: PostgreSQL 7.3.3 on powerpc-apple-darwin6.6, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 3.1 20020420 (prerelease)

AFAIK you can't select tabletypes like in MySQL.

I am missing something ?

From which version to which version are you updating?
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Column properties all deleted

Postby cjemichael » Fri Jan 16, 2004 11:28 am

I've just applied the auto update to this beta and all my column properties (e.g. auto enter dates or related values) have been deleted.

I'm using Win XP with MS SQL Server 2000.

This is a real problem since I did not notice this initially and have now done about 3 hours work. Now I'm wondering what else will go wrong and whether I should revert back to an earlier beta???

I'm not in a position to use a non-beta since this beta contains many bug fixes I need - such as correct subtollating on forms and sorting on multiple columns with SQL Server 2000.

Please can you URGENLY clarify to all developers and to all your staff your process for recommending and rolling out updates.

I undertand and appreciate this is a new product being rapidly developed, but here are some suggestions...

1. Bring out frequent bug fixes to the latest production version and seperate these from the beta releases (which can be less frequent).

2. Don't recommend people use Betas for production (I have been recommended this twice now) and it's the only option I have.

3. Clearly label versions of the installer on your site as to exactly which version each is. How about putting the version no in the filename?


:( :( :(
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Postby admin » Fri Jan 16, 2004 11:55 am

The procedure is very easy:

1. Make a backup so you can rollback
2. First try it on a non production system

and yes using new beta's can sometimes cost you a few hours. In the long term they will save you hundreds of hours of work and bring you much joy.
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Postby ROCLASI » Fri Jan 16, 2004 5:12 pm

admin wrote:From which version to which version are you updating?

I am upgrading from Servoy 1.2-build 259 to Servoy 2.0RC1.
I am using Mac OS X 10.3.2 with all updates applied.
Robert Ivens
SAN Developer / Servoy Valued Professional / Servoy Certified Developer

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