Servoy 4.1.0 beta 1

Release notes for Servoy betas

Servoy 4.1.0 beta 1

Postby svroemisse » Tue Oct 07, 2008 5:27 pm

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of Servoy 4.1.0 beta 1.

Make a backup of your current Servoy installation (directory and database) before installing.

This version is available through the download page on the Servoy website (developer section). This version will also be available through auto update shortly.

[new] SolutionModel node giving the ability to dynamically generate forms through scripting
[new] case 143120: added function record.exception.getSQLParameters()
[new] outline view implemented for form designer
[new] clean import from admin page
[new] case 156969: refresh database Servers context menu option
[new] case 158718: 'copy table' command missing
[new] case 160092: option in Solution Explorer list to also display elements from modules (show valuelists from main solution plus modules)

[enh] code completion improvements, much more can be completed
[enh] better error reporting when creating columns with invalid names
[enh] case 159337: CTRL-L shortcut works both ways: the form that has focus in smart client will be shown in designer
[enh] case 160091: most filter dialogs have an option to filter on parent nodes (for instance relation name to find all related dataproviders)
[enh] case 161615: add tooltips to the default buttons in an editable media field in web client
[enh] case 162791: team syncronize possibility of an individual form

[chg] case 161049: warnings when dataproviders are unavailable

[fix] many developer performance improvements
[fix] case 114828: TableView does not know about implicit initial sort
[fix] case 121207: it's possible to navigate or open calendar popups, when one field is not validating
[fix] case 123185: key bindings missing for place xxx menu items in developer
[fix] case 123213: webclient refresh problem of developer changes
[fix] case 138677: on drag-and-drop of multiple fields to a form, all elements are placed on the same location
[fix] case 140472: when commiting via Package Explorer, the icons kept the black asterisk wrongfully
[fix] case 140577: Servoy repository synchronisation type does not show in Eclipse synchronize wizard
[fix] case 143364: unwanted field/element focus
[fix] case 146663: CTRL-S doesn't work in properties view
[fix] case 148988: better integration with external team providers
[fix] case 149936: smart client transparent tabpanel issues
[fix] case 154228: checkout of solutions not possible when there are already projects in the workspace with the same name
[fix] case 154826: Internal Error in web client when unfolding branch in DBTreeView bean
[fix] case 155113: placing new element on form doesn't stay in the right set order
[fix] case 155754: be able to use i18n on title borders
[fix] case 155887: 'Login Failed' in client forces to restart
[fix] case 156687: foundset.find() in listview fails the web client
[fix] case 156715: two level showFormInDialog() not working in web client
[fix] case 156828: CSS border not working on field with display type checkbox in WC
[fix] case 157058: log_server is an option on an existing server instead of a dedicated server
[fix] case 157202: wrong table element placement using the 'visible' property
[fix] case 157502: admin page HTML sourcecode throws an error in IE7
[fix] case 157522: changing labels text in webclient not working anymore
[fix] case 157866: asterisk doesn't dissappear when saving change to a relation
[fix] case 158258: debug web client doesn't get updated when another project is activated
[fix] case 158343: missing doc/sample/tooltip on databaseManager.hasNewRecord()
[fix] case 158533: popup menu plugin doesn't work on textarea
[fix] case 158665: sort error in print preview
[fix] case 158681: show disable localhost team provider dialog if another team provider is used
[fix] case 158738: in the column properties, it's not possible to select a global variable as lookup
[fix] case 158755: cancel button does not work during synchronize with the Servoy repository
[fix] case 158885: restore ability to give calculations and aggregates names longer than 30 characters
[fix] case 158953: relative location of copied elements not always kept in form editor
[fix] case 158981: Strange error when creating a Sybase database with the string "database" in its name
[fix] case 159018: backwards compatibility fixed for certain existing plugins
[fix] case 159453: getScreenWidth and getScreenHeight both return height of screen
[fix] case 159475: pasted GUI elements will be placed near original element
[fix] case 159595: tab can't be copied in a tab panel
[fix] case 160226: Edit Text Property Window doesn't maintain user window size
[fix] case 160254: line border property not honored in table view when using rowBGColorCalc
[fix] case 161032: client closes abnormally message in the log in developer
[fix] case 161064: selecting "Default format" editing table sets format for all columns
[fix] case 161343: can't get tracking (security) to work when setting log table to db identity
[fix] case 161575: tableview sort icons opposite of what they should be
[fix] case 161591: web client TableView: Wide TableViews with horizontal scrollbar have buggy scrolling behavior: only header scrolls
[fix] case 162675: sharing a solution to a teamserver (Serclipse) wipes out defined Servoy users on it
[fix] aggregates on records with db identity that have not been saved yet will return nothing instead of error
[fix] improved feedback when custom queries are using unsaved db identity values
[fix] when db idents are used in databaseManager.getDataSetByQuery(...), an empty dataset will be returned

API Changes
[chg] extended the api for plugin makers: IForm FormManager.getForm(String formName)

Known issues
- solutionModel broken in web start smart client
- headless client sample solution broken when running from Eclipse
- error when selecting "ServoyException" node in Solution Explorer
- solutionModel display location problems with web client

Changes in previous release
Contains all changes as seen in Servoy 4.0.1
Sandor Vroemisse
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Re: Servoy 4.1.0 beta 1

Postby rioba » Tue Oct 07, 2008 7:42 pm

Can't find the installer for 4.1 b. The download page only lists the 4.0.1 installer.
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Re: Servoy 4.1.0 beta 1

Postby bobpee » Tue Oct 07, 2008 11:23 pm

Same experience as "rioba" . The installer on the download page is still the version 4.0.1
Bob Prah,
[Servoy 5.2.4 - build 1006]
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Re: Servoy 4.1.0 beta 1

Postby svroemisse » Wed Oct 08, 2008 9:17 am

rioba wrote:Can't find the installer for 4.1 b. The download page only lists the 4.0.1 installer.

We're working on the problem.

In case you don't want to wait, you can install 4.0.1 and update that to 4.1.0 beta 1 by issuing the following command at the prompt in your Servoy installation directory:
Code: Select all
java -jar servoy_updater.jar -beta
Sandor Vroemisse
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Re: Servoy 4.1.0 beta 1

Postby kwpsd » Wed Oct 08, 2008 7:42 pm


I ran the command line you specified, but it didn't seem to do anything as far as updates. Note that running the command line you specified attempted to update Servoy from build 628 to 640 (version 4.1.0?):

C:\Program Files\Servoy>java -jar servoy_updater.jar -beta
Current Servoy version 628
Checking for new Servoy version
Working in directory: C:\Program Files\Servoy
Including beta notifies
Loading version info...
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (com.servoy.j2db.util.Debug).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
New version available 640

<html><body><br>Servoy 4.1.0 beta 1 version<br><br>NOTE: ALWAYS make a backup of
your Servoy directory and your databases before usage.<br><br><br><a target="_B
LANK" href="">Build informa

Done, downloading - 640
Done, Servoy can be started

When I ran Servoy and checked the updated version, it was still at 4.0.1 build 628. The 'servoy.exe' file appears not to have changed (no time/date stamp for today).

I hope this helps.

Kim W. Premuda
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Re: Servoy 4.1.0 beta 1

Postby rioba » Wed Oct 08, 2008 8:23 pm

On Mac OS X updating using the terminal works fine and the new version appears as 4.1.0 b 1 build 640
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Re: Servoy 4.1.0 beta 1

Postby kwpsd » Wed Oct 08, 2008 10:01 pm

I ran the command line a second time, and the indication is that it is at build 640:

Code: Select all
C:\Program Files\Servoy>java -jar servoy_updater.jar -beta
Current Servoy version 640
Checking for new Servoy version
Working in directory: C:\Program Files\Servoy
Including beta notifies
Loading version info...
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (com.servoy.j2db.util.Debug).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
No update found, if you want beta versions start with option: -beta
Done, Servoy can be started

When I launch Servoy developer, the splash sreen shows as version 4.0.1. And, when I go to 'Help -> About Servoy Developer', it still shows as version 4.0.1 build 628, and the 'servoy.exe' file still shows an old time/date stamp.

I am running 32-bit Windows Vista Ultimate with Service Pack 1.

Kim W. Premuda
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Re: Servoy 4.1.0 beta 1

Postby pbakker » Wed Oct 08, 2008 10:01 pm

The installers for 4.1 beta are available now through the download page.

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Re: Servoy 4.1.0 beta 1

Postby monetteboy » Wed Oct 08, 2008 10:07 pm

Can you provide an example of how to set the rollOverImage property of a button/label?

And do I understand that this will also work on elements currently on a form?

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Re: Servoy 4.1.0 beta 1

Postby svroemisse » Thu Oct 09, 2008 9:00 am

kwpsd wrote:I ran the command line a second time, and the indication is that it is at build 640:
When I launch Servoy developer, the splash sreen shows as version 4.0.1. And, when I go to 'Help -> About Servoy Developer', it still shows as version 4.0.1 build 628, and the 'servoy.exe' file still shows an old time/date stamp.

This seems to suggest the update itself succeeded yet Eclipse is still working with a cached version of the old plugins. For some reason the updater didn't clear the cache.
If I am correct, the problem can be solved by issuing the following command at the command prompt:

Code: Select all
cd <servoy install dir>/developer
servoy -clean

This will launch Servoy Developer with a clean cache. Next, please verify that the plug-ins are all at build 640 by doing the following:
1. click Help -> "About Servoy Developer"
2. a pop-up window will open
3. click the Servoy logo
4. another pop-up window will open
5. click "Plug-in Details"
6. yet another pop-up window will open

The latter window lists the seven Servoy plug-ins. They should all be at version
Sandor Vroemisse
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Re: Servoy 4.1.0 beta 1

Postby svroemisse » Thu Oct 09, 2008 10:00 am

In retrospect, the problem probably was caused by a pre-4.0 final servoy_updater.jar .

Since the updater can't update itself, this problem can only be prevented from happening again by manually replacing the updater. Therefore, please replace it by this one.
Sandor Vroemisse
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Re: Servoy 4.1.0 beta 1

Postby kwpsd » Thu Oct 09, 2008 11:11 pm

I now have Servoy version 4.1.0 b1 up and running with the proper version number on the plug-ins as well.

Thanks for all your help, Sandor!
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