Servoy 4.1.0 rc 3

Release notes for Servoy betas

Servoy 4.1.0 rc 3

Postby Jan Blok » Fri Nov 28, 2008 10:22 pm

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of Servoy 4.1.0 rc 3.

Make a backup of your current Servoy installation (directory and database) before installing.

This update is available as an update only, to update run the following command in your main servoy installation directory (4.1.x or higher): "java -jar servoy_updater.jar -beta"

[enh] faster solution loading
[enh] case 120055: a message is given when the web client is disconnected from the server
[enh] case 146663: save behavior improved in properties view
[enh] case 167092: better copy-paste support for script methods
[enh] case 172150: option to export a certain number of sample data rows in eclipse solution export
[enh] case 176630: confirmation dialog when clicking "Add/Remove Solution Nature"

[fix] moved inline styles to the top of the main page to prevent html duplication
[fix] case 162904: opening forms and method in the designer/editor
[fix] case 164656: onDoubleClick not working reliably
[fix] case 168953: debug web client problem when switching to sample_bug_db solution
[fix] case 172087: checkboxes deselect by databroadcasting
[fix] case 172447: two text toolbars present in debug smart client
[fix] case 173965: license options for developer and application server are confusing
[fix] case 174130: sorting of style sheet list in properties pane and solution explorer differ
[fix] case 174216: blob loader not working in web client
[fix] case 174293: no top-level variables (without a var keyword) should be used in calculations
[fix] case 174417: developer reports duplicate errors for objects with the same name over multiple solutions
[fix] case 176199: function solutionModel.getAllTabs() on tabPanel element not showing
[fix] case 176200: solutionModel-generated fields can't be removed from tab sequence
[fix] case 176522: error using ctrl-x in form editor
[fix] case 176567: installation default servoy.ini memory settings inadequate
[fix] case 176648: JSForm.showInMenu doesn't seem to work
[fix] case 176683: incorrect display of message 'no record, create one first' in statusbar
[fix] case 176724: rowBGColorCalculation problem in multiline portals
[fix] case 176758: when moving forms - sync wants to delete destination form
[fix] case 176833: inconvenient behaviour when having multiple search-hits on the same form
[fix] case 176859: unable to activate single solution

Changes in previous release
Servoy 4.1.0 rc2
Jan Blok
Jan Blok
Posts: 2684
Joined: Mon Jun 23, 2003 11:15 am
Location: Amsterdam

Wednesday live webinar about 4.1

Postby BDuncan » Mon Dec 01, 2008 11:25 pm

Please note that we are offering a free, live webinar about 4.1 this Wednesday, December 3.

For all the details and to register, please visit here:

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