Servoy R2 2.0 RC3 available

Release notes for Servoy betas

Servoy R2 2.0 RC3 available

Postby Jan Aleman » Thu Jan 22, 2004 9:29 pm

We announce the immediate availability of Servoy 2.0RC3.

NOTE: this is a Release Candidate, use with caution and make BACKUPS before you start.

Before installing: If you use Mac OS X or Linux have a look at the special note mentioned with the RC2 announcement:

Make a backup of your current Servoy installation directory. If you don't use Firebird as your repository database also make a backup of the database you use as a repository database server.

Do not use in production until you have verified that it works properly with test data.

Servoy 2.0RC3 is only available via autoupdate. Start Servoy developer 1.2 or 2.0bx and you will be notified about it. This version does not yet contain the new database engine.

-databasesManager.convertToDataSet(...) ... c&start=15

-extends search did not always work from JavaScript
-fixed use of drawings in portals
-name mixup when global exists with same name as column

Earlier enhancements and fixes:
[fix]-column properties lost in Servoy 2.0 rc1
[fix]-the function of < > was the opposite in relations
[enh]-readOnly property on form and elements
[enh]-more functions on security node
[enh]-encrypted ssl communication between server and client
[enh]-relation editable on portal
[enh]-mail plugin supports attachements
[fix]-security didn't work properly in b6
[enh]-you can now use alt-arrow left and right keys to navigate history
[enh]-place image with correct size
[enh]-delete of multiple media's at once in media dialog
[enh]-date chooser improvements (null == current date, today button, next (or prev) month switches year when needed)
[enh]-images improvements (best of old and new world)
[enh]-stored procedure and database functions call changed (in/output params, must specify the complete call string like "{? = call sp_calcTotal(?,?)}".
[enh]-expand/collapse arrows in the debugger window added to splitpanes.
[enh]-windowMenuDialog is not longer modal and can be used for fast switching between forms during designing forms.
[enh]-tabpanel tab coloring possible via JavaScript
[enh]-it is now possible to use non related tab panels
[enh]-use of system page setup dialog is now optional in developer preferences (apple did required special one, windows can still use system dialog)
[fix]-Memory leaks and
[fix]-getColumnName does not return first column
[fix]-radios/checks focus gained after change data
[fix]-Javascript Engine fix, Datatypes (String/Number/Dates)
[fix]-MSSQL Server solution import problems
[fix]-MSSQL Server problem when a report is using subsum icw 2 sort columns
[fix]-plugin API now also exposes "final fields"
[fix]-rectangles/media fields are now showing all JavaScript methods in code editor
[fix]-reporting grandtotal was not working in all cases
[fix]-use of multiple subsumaries was not working in all cases when sorted differently
[fix]-global relation are now really global, anywhere useable (not longer bound to table)
[fix]-transparency on rtf/text_area now working
[fix]-usage of some beans not allowed
[fix]-problem with resizing font dialog
[fix]-security dialog/import issue ... ight=#3930
[fix]-duplicate form bug
[fix]-mediafield not accessible for javascript
[enh]-remove solution protection (if password is known)
[enh]-server plugin properties are shown admin page
[enh]-storedProcdure support in databaseManager
[enh]-possible to provide initial value to application.showColorChooser(...)/showFontChooser(...)
[enh]-added "-upgradeRepository" flag to server start argument to let the server upgrade the repository.
[enh]-added application.executeProgramInBackground(...)
[enh]-application.writeXMLFile('text.xml',thexml) //writes with the file with encoding as specified in the xml
[enh]-checkboxes/radiobuttons do wrap_horizontal when vertical scrollbar is to never or does layout wrap_vertical when horizontal scrollbar is set to never
[enh]-create temporary files: var tempFileName = application.createTempFile('myfile','pdf')
[enh]-db dependent layer (hibernate), repository on Sybase and firebird 1.5 also work now
[enh]-developer option to use system page setup dialog
[enh]-file plugin
[enh]-global rename in dataprovider dialog
[enh]-global search replace in method editor
[enh]-major image display improvement
[enh]-possible to exclude elements from the tab sequence
[enh]-request last job name on scheduler plugin
[enh]-return false; in form.onHide stops hiding (when for example in dialog)
[enh]-scheduler plugin needs get last runned cron job and args to method
[enh]-stored procedure calling now possible with databaseManager.executeStoredProcedure(...)
[enh]-support for font dialog popup: var font = application.showFontDialog()
[enh]-var thexml = controller.printXML()
[fix]-Scrolling in HTML fields not working
[fix]-debugger has no longer one line mismatch
[fix]-find on not used foundset failed
[fix]-if (dateCalc <= endDate) now works
[fix]-lazy blob loading did not work for related data
[fix]-line clipping
[fix]-no progress shown when creating new release after export
[fix]-stringToNumber change
Last edited by Jan Aleman on Thu Feb 12, 2004 2:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
Jan Aleman
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What's new in 2.0

Postby Guest » Thu Jan 22, 2004 10:23 pm

Ok, I know you posted extensive release notes, but they're too detailed for me. I'd like someone to brush the main differences with 1.2 : what's the big picture.

And what about the "new database engine (not yet implemented)" what's its advantages. How about the migration to this new database engine.

Thanks a lot.

I'm a servoy newbie

Re: What's new in 2.0

Postby BruceR » Fri Jan 23, 2004 8:19 am

In all previous updates, you warn vigoruously that a restart is required. Here you do not, apparently something is different but you don't say so. You should probably address this briefly in the update instructions for those of us who paid attention previously.

Also, I just tried lauching RC2 several times, running check for update, etc.

Nothing happens, it still thinks it's RC2. OSX, 10.3.2.

Servoy Developer
Version R2 2.0 rc2-build 262
Java version 1.4.1_01-27 (Mac OS X)
Last edited by BruceR on Fri Jan 23, 2004 8:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby chris » Fri Jan 23, 2004 8:33 am

Hi - opened beta6 and it didn't prompt for an update for the new RC. Also clicked 'check for new version' and 'checking for new version' flashed for a quarter second in the lower left and nothing happened, not even a message that says 'no new version available' as I think it used to.


Thank you. Thankful for the new features and looking forward to them.
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Postby IT2Be » Fri Jan 23, 2004 9:30 am

Bruce, are the files dropped in your servoy root? Did you restart? You are notified to restart via the updater itself who prompts you to do so...
Marcel J.G. Trapman (IT2BE)
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Postby BruceR » Fri Jan 23, 2004 11:24 am

IT2BE wrote:Bruce, are the files dropped in your servoy root? Did you restart? You are notified to restart via the updater itself who prompts you to do so...
No, you are NOT prompted to restart. You are thinking of the other process, when you download files from the Servoy site, unstuff them, run an installer, etc. This is not at all the same process. I did the RC2 update, which of course was a big mess throwing files all over the place and requiring you to place them manually and rename them all manually. In the case of the RC3 update - well, there is no RC3 update. NOTHING happens. No files are dowloaded. And yes I did install the jar file as mentioned in the RC3 install notes at the top of this forum.
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Postby IT2Be » Fri Jan 23, 2004 12:15 pm

Strange since I did get a notification to download the rc3 (didn't download the suggested jar btw and renamed/replaced the files).

And, I really did get a notification to restart....
Marcel J.G. Trapman (IT2BE)
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Postby Jan Blok » Fri Jan 23, 2004 12:47 pm

BruceR wrote:There is no RC3 update. NOTHING happens. No files are dowloaded. And yes I did install the jar file as mentioned in the RC3 install notes at the top of this forum.

Are U sure you did enable the beta notify checkbox in the autoupdate dialog? see beta checkbox
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Postby WiderGates » Fri Jan 23, 2004 1:17 pm

After the update I have the following screen, if I load data from the table "preise".

Cannot show form data

org.apache.commons.dbcp.DbcpException: org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBSQLException: GDS Exception. Dynamic SQL Error
SQL error code = -104
Token unknown - line 1, char 54
) org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBSQLException: GDS Exception. Dynamic SQL Error
SQL error code = -104
Token unknown - line 1, char 54

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Postby Jan Blok » Fri Jan 23, 2004 1:45 pm

is this on all your forms??
are you able to reproduce this in a sample solution? or could you sent me your solution?
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Postby WiderGates » Fri Jan 23, 2004 2:43 pm

It was just with one form. I have copied the fields, deleted the form (it was only a list with four fields), created a new one and then pasted the fields back, now itM-4s working again.

Only with that bad form there was no access to the data. With other forms there was access to the same data.

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Mac OS X: Bug with Beta Updates Checkbox

Postby bahamaen » Fri Jan 23, 2004 3:48 pm

There appears to be a bug with the beta notify checkbox on Mac OS X.

When the first update window appears, the box is auto-checked. However, if I do not uncheck it and then click to check it, I will not be notified of beta updates in future versions.

If I leave it in its default state of visually being checked:

wantsBetaCodeNotifies=false in

If I check, uncheck and then recheck:

wantsBetaCodeNotifies=true in
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Postby BruceR » Fri Jan 23, 2004 9:04 pm

Jan Blok wrote:
BruceR wrote:There is no RC3 update. NOTHING happens. No files are dowloaded. And yes I did install the jar file as mentioned in the RC3 install notes at the top of this forum.

Are U sure you did enable the beta notify checkbox in the autoupdate dialog? see beta checkbox
I didn't change anything. The auto-update from beta to RC2 worked properly, automatically, all by itself. (That is, the update occurred - but then it did its OSX file-scatter thing).

I would presume it would continue to work but it doesn't. However, since you have brought this up I will go manually check/recheck it as noted in another message.

OK, it's updating now. But now I have another issue. The updater starts - and then launches the solution normally which suggests that the update has finished. Only when working in the solution and looking at the progress bar do you realize that the update has not completed.

Finally, it gives a "Restart Servoy" message, which is of course different from all other updates where we are advised to do a machine restart.
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Postby r.rios » Sat Jan 24, 2004 7:10 pm

There seems to be a bug with the new readOnly form property. Setting it (true or false) disables comboboxes on the current form.

This is running Servoy 2.0 RC3 under MacOS 10.3.2
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Re: Servoy R2 2.0 RC3 available

Postby Riccardino » Sun Feb 01, 2004 11:56 am

I tried again to update my rc6, but I still got the file copying error.
Now I renamed and moved all the update files, except one because I can't locate its equivalent.
The file is service/wrapper.conf.
I looked for a "service" folder, but I'm not sure where it is. And I don't have other "wrapper.conf" files on my mac (I also looked for invisible files).

So: what is the right place for it?

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