Gary R. Schaecher wrote:We found that in version 5.0 it doesn't appear you have to execute the hack (// to enable events and methods to run while in 'find' mode. This is an improvement, but we Servoy still doesn't allow the same flexibility on the dataprovider itself, only on buttons and labels. We really needed this to work on the dataprovider field so we are back to ground zero, with no way to implement an interface that was in our legacy application in Omnis. I'm not sure if this restriction has any reason to exist or if it just Servoy trying to 'protect' beginner programmers from shooting themselves in the foot. As Servoy as a product matures, they need to relinquish this 'parental' type of control which was fine for FileMaker programmers and make the assumption that we are adults now and can handle the consequences of our own 'coding'. I guess this is why some programmers stay away from 4GL's and stick with C++ and Java so they have 'full' control.
when i have this code attached to a button:
- Code: Select all
function onAction(event)
if (!isinfind)
isinfind = controller.find();
isinfind = false;
then it works fine for me, i can toggle the find/search when pressing that button.
problem with just allowing everything to run in find is that many methods are not build for that.
So to make it maybe better we could annotate the method in the doc or something that this method also can be called in find. So that the method it self defines it.