We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of Servoy 5.0 rc4
Usage at own risk. Install in separate directory from your production versions.
This version is available through the download page on the Servoy website (developer section).
For updating Servoy eclipse developer, use menu item: Help -> Check for updates
Note: since the Eclipse.org and SQLExplorer both have problems with the update-site you have to disable those update-sites in: Window -> Preferences (update sites)
For updating a Servoy application server install, use:
java -jar servoy_updater.jar -beta (in the install directory)
Client changes:
[enh] 249878 Expose in the JSColumn object a method isUUID() which returns a boolean
[fix] 250510 Sort empty foundset results in null exception
[fix] 250757 Multiselect of rows in browser on mac uses wrong modifier key
[fix] 249689 application.getValueListArray('my_related_valuelist') returns always: array[0]
[fix] 249761 Format for currencies fields
Developer changes:
[enh] 246842 "Import Solution" context menu under "All Solutions" in solution explorer
[fix] 250760 template with body upon placement, causes multiple bodies
[fix] 185787 Searching in help system is broken
[fix] 239527 Images that are smaller then 100x100 get the size 100x100
[fix] 250984 When 1 element is changed, all elements are repainted in form designer
[fix] 249474 Double clicking does not respect delimiters in the script
[fix] 223092 Group-by fields option only shows the first 6 values
[fix] 251358 Wrong behavior for application.showColorChooser()
[fix] 241814 default value for servoy.branding.windowicon: on the adminpage is invalid
[fix] 247889 properties don't respond to double-click on macosx
[fix] 249692 foreground property on TabPanel doesn't have any effect in the WebClient
[fix] 250316 elements[_elements[i]].getLocationX() doesn't give right result in tableview
[fix] 249046 Open Form in Designer context menu not always working
[fix] 250759 moving template in form designer makes it invisible
[fix] 219392 When moving grouped elements, the painting of the moved elements is wrong. Saving this edit corrects it
[fix] 247385 Toggle Form Commands doesn't work
[fix] 251010 treeview bean showTreeLines(false) does not seem to work
[fix] 249211 showFormInDialog is trying to close the main window
[fix] 250590 Table Events Auto-Expand all modules
[fix] 250591 Drop-down Lists in developer to small
[fix] 248544 treeview bean feature request - right click focus and context menu on a node
[fix] 249209 dragging a rect to select objects doesn't work when you drag onto the ruler
[fix] 248523 treeview bean does not have option to use no icons for nodes.
[fix] 249208 when body part is small a newly added (title) header can't be moved when added under body part