We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of Servoy 5.1 release candidate 1
This version is available through auto update only, always make a backup of your current Servoy installation (directory and database) before upgrading.
To update eclipse open, Window -> Preferences (update sites), change:
-The servoy update site in eclipse to: http://www.servoy.com/developer/5xx_updates/beta
-Disable both eclipse.org update-sites for now, since there is a problem at the eclipse side!
Client changes:
[fix] 269530 error creating records throught a relation before saving (DBIdentity keys)
[fix] 264818 layout Properties in pagedialog for Small Label Printing
[fix] 268660 error rendering the page in webclient
[fix] 270394 error in webclient if you use application.getUserProperty('some.property')
[fix] 268729 event.getSource() in onLoad/onUnLoad is empty
[fix] 269800 bean resize elements.chart_pie.setSize(500,500) doesn't work in de webclient
[fix] 269546 in tableView selected record doesn't scroll into view when form in Tableview view is shown
[fix] 269328 application.closeFormIndialog(true) doesn't work always
[fix] 269855 the method controller.show('some_dialog_window_name', true) displays a dialog with incorrect height
Developer changes:
[fix] 270077 wrong evaluation in Interactive Console
[fix] 269440 relation popup hangs when typing file name
[fix] 254621 externalize I18N: the default keys are not that nice.
[fix] 267881 the select dialog shouldn't show relation cycles
[fix] 267885 the layout in dialog for rowBgColorCalc is not ok, the two buttons are too close to one another
Plugin changes:
[enh] 268345 the showFileSaveDialog and showFileOpenDialog methods of the file plugin have no option of specifying the dialog title