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Re: Servoy 5.1 rc 1

Thu Feb 04, 2010 7:47 pm
by lwjwillemsen
lwjwillemsen wrote:jcompagner wrote:ahh ok, so thats when you set the foundset
Thats an easier fix.
Ok, but beware : at the moment of the form.foundset.loadrecords() that form is not (yet) shown...
Feel free to fix all of the easier fixes...
Hi Johan,
After testing in RC2 : not fixed in RC2.
As a workaround I issue an extra (dummy) setSelectedIndex(1) followed by setSelectedIndex(selectedIndexBeforeFormShow) after the tableview form is shown...
Then it works ok but I hope it will be fixed soon
I repeat my bug description : At show event the currently form.foundset.selectedIndex is not (always) in the tableview (screen) window !
Status ?
Re: Servoy 5.1 rc 1

Thu Feb 04, 2010 8:55 pm
by jcompagner
thats right it will be in the next build
RC2 build was already build.
Servoy 5.1 rc 2

Thu Feb 04, 2010 10:58 pm
by lwjwillemsen
jcompagner wrote:thats right it will be in the next build
RC2 build was already build.
Hi Johan,
I posted two different tableview issues noticed in RC1 where you commented on.
Can you please quote on the two one by one regarding RC2 ?
Thanks in advance...
Re: Servoy 5.1 rc 1

Fri Feb 05, 2010 7:46 pm
by pmo
After upgrading to RC1, all my database connections are gone.
i tried openning the local servoy admin page, and there's no database connections.
But all the *.dbi files are still in my workspace's local resources folders.
anyone else having this problem?
Re: Servoy 5.1 rc 1

Mon Feb 08, 2010 10:57 am
by jcompagner
the database connections are specified in the file in your application server dir.
What does that file say?
Re: Servoy 5.1 rc 1

Fri Feb 19, 2010 7:57 pm
by pmo
thank you very much.
I re-created my servoy5 directory, and did not copy over the file.
so can I use the file from a servoy 4 installation on a servoy 5 install?
I just want to make sure this is safe to do.
Re: Servoy 5.1 rc 1

Sat Feb 20, 2010 3:52 pm
by jcompagner
yes you can
Re: Servoy 5.1 rc 1

Tue Feb 23, 2010 4:20 pm
by ngervasi
jcompagner wrote:yes you can
Hey!! There's a trademark on "Yes you can"!

Re: Servoy 5.1 rc 1

Sat Mar 06, 2010 9:02 pm
by Hans Nieuwenhuis
Since this release I see 58 warnings as follows on the problems tab:
RowBGColorCalculation of form 'BasLog' is linked to an entity that doesn't exist. BasLog.frm /HadesBasics/forms HadesBasics/forms/BasLog.frm Form Problem
The row bg color calculation is linked to a global method. This is a rather new possibility. Why do we get warnings now?
Is there a solution for this issue ??
It is not possible for us to go back to 4.1 and then up again to 5.1.
It seems to be an issue with solutions that where upgraded from 4.1 and had global rowbgcalculations.
We get about 80 of these warnings in 5.1
Re: Servoy 5.1 rc 1

Sun Mar 07, 2010 2:39 pm
by Hans Nieuwenhuis
found a way to repair this :
1) set all rowbgcalcs tot none in forms properties
2) export modules/solutions
3) delete modules/solutions
4) import modules/solutions
I think it has something to do with de entries I see in the project exporer window.
for tables that had problems there was no pair of <table>_calculations.js and <table>.tbl
Often there was only a <table>.tbl and no <table>_calculations.js.
After export/delete/import the pairs wheer complete again for all tables in all solutions.
Is this a Bug ?? It is not possible to reproduce it.
Re: Servoy 5.1 rc 1

Mon Mar 08, 2010 10:02 am
by lvostinar
Hans Nieuwenhuis wrote:Hi,
found a way to repair this :
1) set all rowbgcalcs tot none in forms properties
2) export modules/solutions
3) delete modules/solutions
4) import modules/solutions
I think it has something to do with de entries I see in the project exporer window.
for tables that had problems there was no pair of <table>_calculations.js and <table>.tbl
Often there was only a <table>.tbl and no <table>_calculations.js.
After export/delete/import the pairs wheer complete again for all tables in all solutions.
Is this a Bug ?? It is not possible to reproduce it.
Not exactly sure what went wrong here, is there a way for us to reproduce this (like, a zipped workspace ) ?
Re: Servoy 5.1 rc 1

Mon Mar 08, 2010 10:38 am
by Leendert
lvostinar wrote:Not exactly sure what went wrong here, is there a way for us to reproduce this (like, a zipped workspace ) ?
I can send you a zipped workspace. What exactly do you want? Is the zipped workspace enough?
Re: Servoy 5.1 rc 1

Mon Mar 08, 2010 10:44 am
by lvostinar
Leendert wrote:lvostinar wrote:Not exactly sure what went wrong here, is there a way for us to reproduce this (like, a zipped workspace ) ?
I can send you a zipped workspace. What exactly do you want? Is the zipped workspace enough?
Yes, I think should be enough (unless something else went wrong, like conversion from v4 to v5 format). Please open a case with the workspace (or, if too big some url where we can download it)
Re: Servoy 5.1 rc 1

Tue Mar 09, 2010 12:34 pm
by lvostinar
Hans Nieuwenhuis wrote:Since this release I see 58 warnings as follows on the problems tab:
RowBGColorCalculation of form 'BasLog' is linked to an entity that doesn't exist. BasLog.frm /HadesBasics/forms HadesBasics/forms/BasLog.frm Form Problem
The row bg color calculation is linked to a global method. This is a rather new possibility. Why do we get warnings now?
Is there a solution for this issue ??
It is not possible for us to go back to 4.1 and then up again to 5.1.
It seems to be an issue with solutions that where upgraded from 4.1 and had global rowbgcalculations.
We get about 80 of these warnings in 5.1
Ok, finally the issue is fixed. The builder was not looking into all modules for the calculation, so sometimes will report a missing calculation while it exists in a module. This fix will be included in Servoy 5.1.1 .
Re: Servoy 5.1 rc 1

Tue Mar 09, 2010 5:08 pm
by birgit
I moved the calculation to an other module to get rid of the warnings. Good to hear that you found the bug and the warnings will disappear in 5.1.1. So I can move the calcs back.