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Re: Servoy 5.1 rc 3

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 12:16 pm
by lwjwillemsen
jcompagner wrote:better would be a sample solution or something that demonstrates what you see.
A screen capture doesnt tell me anything.

A sample solution would involve our whole framework.
I was talking about a video (moving pictures) with a ok route and a not ok route on the same data and app. to demonstrate what we experience...
I also can toggle in that video our workaround on and off.

We received in the past a link from Sanneke for a nice (and free) video capture program...

Re: Servoy 5.1 rc 3

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 12:40 pm
by jcompagner
problem is that i believe that it happens
But if i just see it then that doesnt tell me much
i have to look at the code and exactly know what foundset changes the form gets or not, what the state was of the form before you show it again.

But the best thing was if you just look what exactly happens and build a sample solution (that maybe just includes some modules of your normal solution)
with a few forms.

Re: Servoy 5.1 rc 3

PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 12:51 pm
by lwjwillemsen
jcompagner wrote:problem is that i believe that it happens
But if i just see it then that doesnt tell me much
i have to look at the code and exactly know what foundset changes the form gets or not, what the state was of the form before you show it again.

But the best thing was if you just look what exactly happens and build a sample solution (that maybe just includes some modules of your normal solution)
with a few forms.

Ok, Johan, thanks.

I am going to discuss internally what we will do. I am afraid it is gonna take too much of our time to build a sample solution...

Thanks again for your time and effort !

Re: Servoy 5.1 rc 3

PostPosted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 12:14 pm
by Marco R.
Hi at all,

I don't know if this post is the right place but I have a problem and I don't know if it has already been fixed (no track in previus post) with some of this Release Candidate.

Problem 1:
So,I have a form called 'main' with 3 tab_panel(tabs_left,tabs_up,tabs_middle). For each tab_panel I have built a SolutionModel form.(form_left,form_up,form_middle)
If I put the form middle in design mode and try to get the x position(in the dropEvent by JSEVENT.getX() ) of a button element than the value returned is wrong.In add if the button is in the position_x 0 and I try to move it up and down the position_x change(instead the only position_y)!

In attach a solution sample
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Problem 2:
If I create a button by solutionModel and I assign it a number as NAME it's correctly created but if I try to point to it by a function like:
Code: Select all
//istance of global variable
globals.nameOfObject[1] = '1'
globals.nameOfObject[2] = '2'
globals.nameOfObject[3] = '3'

//build a form

//press a button and run this function
for(var i=1;i<=3;i++){

At the third evaluation(i=3) the program go in error,and JSEVENT provides wrong informations.I'm sure that:
- the names in global_struct and the form-element-names are the same.
- the form is correctly initialized with three buttons named ['1','2','3']

Thanks in advance

(servoy 5.0.1 built 861,windows XP,java build 1.6.0_17-b04)

Re: Servoy 5.1 rc 3

PostPosted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 2:55 pm
by lvostinar
Problem 1:

The coordinates from event (onDrop) is the mouse location when you release the mouse button (in the form's coordinate system). What are you trying to achieve with that info ?

Problem 2:

Which is the error you receive (full stack from log). I guess there is something more that triggers this.

Re: Servoy 5.1 rc 3

PostPosted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 3:57 pm
by Marco R.
problem 1:

Ok I have done a mistake,I have thinked that ".getLocationX()" and "getX()" returned the same X value(now using the first all work fine).In my mind I have imagined that work like the event 'onDataChange' that returned the new value (I don't know why I have thinked this ^^'' )

problem 2 :

linked to the needs of problem 1:
I have to point to the form-button because the buttons represent database data,so to establish a logical link I would to give myTable-progressive-id to the name property of my button.
For now I have round the problem by giving a prefix name like "data_"+_id.

Thanks for your time


Re: Servoy 5.1 rc 3

PostPosted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 4:06 pm
by lvostinar
linked to the needs of problem 1:
I have to point to the form-button because the buttons represent database data,so to establish a logical link I would to give myTable-progressive-id to the name property of my button.
For now I have round the problem by giving a prefix name like "data_"+_id.

you also have getFormName and getElementName (also getSource) on the event; maybe these methods help you ?

Re: Servoy 5.1 rc 3

PostPosted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 4:36 pm
by Marco R.
you also have getFormName and getElementName (also getSource) on the event; maybe these methods help you ?

I already use these methods in this part of code:
Code: Select all
function onTaskDrop(_event) {
var _formName,_elementName,_newY,i

for(i in{
_formName = _event.getFormName()   
_elementName =[i].getName()
_newY = forms[_formName].elements[_elementName].getLocationY()

during evaluation of
Code: Select all
_newY = forms[_formName].elements[_elementName].getLocationY()

the Client go in error.

I have modified the 'test_drop' solution to reproduce this case:
(4.52 KiB) Downloaded 520 times

So try with this solution to move all the button,after some movement the client go in crash

Re: Servoy 5.1 rc 3

PostPosted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 5:05 pm
by lvostinar
Ok, I see what happens, if you do
forms[_fName].elements[4] it will take the fifth element in the array of elements (which in this case doesn't exist, as there are only 4 elements). So , you should use another name, so that there is no confusion between index and name.

Re: Servoy 5.1 rc 3

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 12:41 pm
by Marco R.

I want to report that:

I have a solutionModel-form,than I put it in designMode.
I drag an object(es:button) from a point to another,but at the DROPevent I want to adjust its position by ".setLocation(x,y)".
Then the object is rightly moved,but the border-selection remains on the DROPlocation.

Can It be fixed?

Thanks in advance


Re: Servoy 5.1 rc 3

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 12:45 pm
Hi Marco,

Please also make a case in the Servoy support database:

Re: Servoy 5.1 rc 3

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 2:05 pm
by martinh
I can't update from rc2 to rc3.

See screenshot. As you can see there is the -beta option in the commandline, but Servoy doesn't want to update and suggest ..... to add -beta to the commandline :?

Clipboard-1.gif (7.09 KiB) Viewed 13240 times

Re: Servoy 5.1 rc 3

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 2:18 pm
Hi Martin,

Try it without all the other parameters.
Code: Select all
java -jar servoy_updater.jar -beta

Re: Servoy 5.1 rc 3

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 2:37 pm
by martinh
ROCLASI wrote:Hi Martin,

Try it without all the other parameters.
Code: Select all
java -jar servoy_updater.jar -beta

Same problem ....

Re: Servoy 5.1 rc 3

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 3:20 pm
by Jan Blok
please try again, we corrected a server resolve issue, just yet