We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of Servoy 5.2 release candidate 1 (open source release)
When installing this version all non Servoy beans and plugins have to be signed by there vendor! Plugin/beans developer should have a look here
This version is available through the download page on the Servoy website (developer section) and auto update.
Always make a backup of your current Servoy installation (directory and database) before upgrading.
To update a Servoy 5.x eclipse open, Window -> Preferences (update sites), change:
-url to http://www.servoy.com/developer/5xx_updates/beta
-Disable both eclipse.org update-sites, since there is a problem at the eclipse side!
Check for updates via help menu.
For a list of all enhances and open source info look here
Client changes:
[fix] 300158 Bug when using client design mode when try to edit forms on tabs
[fix] 300073 onAction tableview on element not fired
[fix] 298568 onElementFocusLost _event formName = null
[fix] 298592 Event from a calculation shown in a combobox in list view doesn’t have property formname from onAction and onDataChange
[fix] 301628 Onfocus gained method in webclient causes focus to be lost.
[fix] 302611 search on aggregates does not return records with no related records
Developer changes:
[fix] 301990 Object type sub-nodes in Solution Explorer view are not sorted by name
[fix] 301556 occasional grey screen when starting a solution (on Mac)
Server changes:
[enh] 299743 HTTP Tunnel NTML proxy support
Something we did not mention last time, the runtime builder is since 5.2 only able to build runtimes for the platform its used on.