Servoy 6.0 alpha 2

Release notes for Servoy betas

Servoy 6.0 alpha 2

Postby Jan Blok » Fri Feb 11, 2011 10:03 pm

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of Servoy 6.0 a2

This version is available through the download option on the Servoy website and auto update.
Always make a backup of your current Servoy installation (directory and database) before installing/upgrading.
To update a Servoy 6.0a1 eclipse open "Check for updates" via help menu.

For all the highlights read the wiki first!

Known problems:
1) pdf_output plugin signing problem when running smartclient from server (remove problem jars if any server testing is needed)
2) background coloring in webclient with old bgColorCalc not always working

Client changes:
[enh] 77227 Escape should work on all fields when reverting back to old value
[enh] 316454 The text in an HTML_AREA field disappears - add a warning when column length is too small
[enh] 344725 Raise a proper error at runtime when trying to do a find/search over a relation between 2 databases
[enh] 39445 foundsetupdater is able to delete rows which are locked
[enh] 277652 Ability to drop in between 2 records when doing DND
[enh] 39644 button in print preview that can trigger pdf Create (pdf is now real printer in print dialog)
[enh] 311920 stylesheet shorthand for border property does not work in smartclient
[enh] 219049,220366,131507,264341,123777 Right Click in a table header, via on labelFor onRightClick in tableview
[fix] 281442 Selection for new record on multiselect-foundset is incorrect
[fix] 352798 controller.getFormWidth() returns designTime width if the form is contained in a splitpane (or any of the parent forms are in a splitpane)
[fix] 271569 Property servoy.use.client.timezone related problems
[fix] 303465 Weeknumber not shown in smartclient
[fix] 283397 solution.onOpen method fired after calling security.login() when the solution was already open
[fix] 311938 setting label margin through css does not work

Web Client changes:
[enh] 294604 In webclient there is too much room between bottom of form and pagination
[enh] 353571 Calendar fields have no default styling in a tableview
[enh] 207957 CHECK and RADIO controls cannot be focused or used with the keyboard when the valuelist property is assigned
[enh] 299872 Form width/height return wrong values in WC when form is scrolled
[enh] 159884 Images on tabs in webclient
[enh] 245910,244908,178101,258366 Rollover image support
[enh] 223411 Resize handler for columns in Tableviews in the Webclient is not located on the border between 2 columns
[enh] 305257 LINK tags inside HEAD tag in no-editable HTML Area's in the Webclient do not end up in the HEAD section of the markup of the webclient
[fix] 302698 Clientdesign in webclient: media field has 2 pairs of handles
[fix] 302717 Client designmode in webcient: upload-icon of media field is not disabled
[fix] 298244 application.getWindowHeight() returns 0
[fix] 353911 Fields always get the border as defined in the StyleSheet, even when overridden on individual fields using the border property when the border property defines the border with a width of 0px
[fix] 347269 Form based on dataset doesn't show values in webclient
[fix] 272938 Several splitpane issues
[fix] 258367 Vertical alignment problems in web client
[fix] 273098 webclient does not respect the color in the title-header and footer

Developer changes:
[enh] 334201 Builder markers: don't generate out of bounds for elements that are located outside of the bounds of the form if the element is set to non-visible
[enh] 355313 Added ServoyForge JSDoc update URL to Servoy Developer
[enh] 277458 "//" workarround, made explicit with @AllowToRunInFind
[enh] 314839 Allow for solutionModel save into eclipse developer workspace (shown as "devSolutionModel" at ServoyWorld is now "servoyDeveloper" object!)
[enh] 298403 Table property of a form shows -none- when super form defines the Table already
[enh] 236580 when you want to rename a form you do expect to find it in the popup menu.. (besides move or duplicate)
[enh] 272234 The error duplicate relation found should 'click' to the relation, and there should be a quickfix
[enh] 343765 Valuelist global methods should take an additional parameter indicating whether we're in find mode or not.
[enh] 281444 Table editor enhancement: use the same format dialog for column format as is used for format property
[enh] 301990 subnodes in Solution Explorer view are not sorted by name
[enh] 319211 QuickFix on missing var/function warnings in Method Editor to automatically create the missing var/function
[enh] 281438 Relation editor should have legend for relational operators
[enh] 265058 Add option to databaseManager.commitTransaction and databaseManager.rollbackTransaction to not call internally saveData and rollbackEditedRecords
[enh] 320536 Make the Color and Font chooser available when a CSS Editor is Active
[enh] 278703 add deprecated problem warning for deprecated method use
[enh] 318512 "email"/"url" in new column name, then suggest proper type/lenght
[enh] 319535 new security function to test if user is member of a group
[enh] 319210 Improve Solution Explorer display in Calc mode
[enh] 350698 SplitPanel.setLeft/Rightform(formName, relation): relation should be an optional parameter as it should be possible to add unrelated forms as well
[enh] 321297 Link with Editor-button doesn't work for tables
[enh] 273518 i18n changes in developer are not seen live in debug clients
[enh] 254621 externalize I18N: the default keys are not that nice.
[enh] 194238 Style sheet enhancement: new radio button style
[enh] 80029 Placing elements on form: Place the elements in the order they were selected
[enh] 332463 use Preferred Size / Location of a Bean in form design
[enh] 300319 improved sync I18N files with DB table
[enh] 247141 better feedback when entering illegal values in the property editor
[enh] 80016 Developer: make the label representing the tab on tabpanel look as a tab (as it did in servoy 3.5)
[enh] 167099 Elements can't be deleted from outline view
[enh] 276860 Be able to select/deselect all types in the Servoy Resource Locator
[enh] 321017 Form Editor: Multiple selected elements loose selection when doing Send to Front/Send to Back
[enh] 328902 The default horizontal alignment of a combobox is center, it would be better if it was left.
[enh] 295203 Select dataprovider for element on form without dataSource does not show related calculations
[enh] 258373 eclipse import media folder should have a progress indicator as it may take a while
[enh] 218499 tabpanel.addTab(String formName) instead of tabpanle.addTab(form formObject)
[enh] 275939 Provide an option to get the index of a record from a JSRecord reference
[enh] 275601 databaseManager.deleteRecords(myArrayWithRecordObjects)
[enh] 317328 removeRelationItem missing on solutionModel.JSRelation
[enh] 317327 removeTab is missing on solutionModel.JSTabPanel
[enh] 212178,243196,224892 new function foundset/controller.sort(Function) for use to sorting on unstored calculation
[enh] 256308 JSDataSet Sort By Multiple Columns
[enh] 206135,250944 style class and style name: don't have jump buttons to go to the style editor
[enh] 295179 Table editor: context menu on column
[enh] 236574 Table editor: the add/remove buttons are not really handy, loads of mouse movements needed to create a table/column
[enh] 281441 dbmgr.rollbackEditedRecords and saveData with foundSet and record parameter
[enh] 182948 Option (on by default) to open the solutions firstForm when activating the solution (3.5 behavior)
[fix] 281443 I18n-editor: new keys are saved without confirmation and without flagging the editor dirty
[fix] 301518 being able to rename a solution/module that is active
[fix] 256221 'Default'-value in popup of event property of form
[fix] 206083 can't remove fontType setting from a field
[fix] 282874 titleText property on Forms doesn't go into repository on export/import
[fix] 275362 Creating a new server with the same name as a previously deleted one yields an error

Application server changes:
[enh] 266304 Admin page show first all database servers and use link to goto database server detail
[enh] 269281 Tag FoundSet queries as Foundset, not as Find on Performance page of Admin Page
[fix] 176847 Drop column problems with MS SQL Server
[fix] 328296 servoy sequence fails on text type columns in postgres
[enh] 296608 add import pref on admin page : auto update servoy sequences
[enh] 274408 Show database server on the performance statistics
[enh] 178818 Show last cleared timestamp/date on admin page /servoy-admin/log
[enh] 346918 Link for import solution on top of the screen in stead of bottom in admin page
[enh] 333521 Allow Maximum connections active/idle setting to be changed without a restart.

Plugin/Bean changes:
[enh] 320475 StyleSheet and DnD API for beans usage
[enh] 259306 UUID support in treeview bean
[enh] 39684 ,233339 drag & drop to/at dbtreeview bean
[enh] 271016 DBTreeTableView Bean: Ability to stack columns from different tables when dataprovider name is the same
[enh] 286716 Non servoy aware beans do not resize when anchored
[enh] 279014 timeout setting http plugin
Jan Blok
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Re: Servoy 6.0 alpha 2

Postby Lachness » Sat Feb 12, 2011 12:28 am

On the developer download page the Windows Installer and the CrossPlatform installer are switched.

Also I tried to update my 6.01a via the "Check Updates" function and I get:

"Unable to read repository"

"Not a valid repository location"

Lachlan Dunlop
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Re: Servoy 6.0 alpha 2

Postby Jan Blok » Sat Feb 12, 2011 12:41 am

You are right about full download file switch, I asked internally to have it corrected.
The update works fine for me, do more people have this problem with updating a1?
Jan Blok
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Re: Servoy 6.0 alpha 2

Postby ROCLASI » Sat Feb 12, 2011 3:14 am

The upgrade works fine for me after I tried it after you comments.
Although I do have a request to make the iServoy page (or whatever is gonna be replaced by it) optional.
I added an issue for this in the support system (#356735). I.e. just make it available when *I* need it.
Robert Ivens
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Re: Servoy 6.0 alpha 2

Postby Lachness » Sat Feb 12, 2011 3:57 am

Ok, my first attempt was from a Windows 7 64 bit. latest java. No go.

I have installed Servoy 6.0a1 on my Mac and tried the update through eclipse and all is good.

Lachlan Dunlop
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Re: Servoy 6.0 alpha 2

Postby kwpsd » Sat Feb 12, 2011 4:17 am

I successfully upgraded to a2 with no problem, albeit a warning was issued regarding installation of 'unsigned content'. My computer is running Windows 7 withthe 32-bit JVM.
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Re: Servoy 6.0 alpha 2

Postby Joas » Sat Feb 12, 2011 9:14 am

Lachness wrote:On the developer download page the Windows Installer and the CrossPlatform installer are switched.

They are switched back now.
Joas de Haan
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Re: Servoy 6.0 alpha 2

Postby Lachness » Sat Feb 12, 2011 5:18 pm


I did another install of Servoy 6.0a1 on a different Windows 7 64 bit system and ran the "Check for Updates" and all is good, 6.0a2 installed.

Lachlan Dunlop
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Re: Servoy 6.0 alpha 2

Postby rossent » Wed Feb 16, 2011 2:58 pm

Are the issues fixed in Servoy 5.2.5 and 5.2.6 (specifically the memory leak fixed in 5.2.5 and the GUI issue fixed 5.2.6) applicable for Servoy 6a2 and if yes, when can we expect a new 6a3 release which addresses them?
Rossen Totev
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Re: Servoy 6.0 alpha 2

Postby jcompagner » Wed Feb 16, 2011 4:13 pm

memory leak is in 6.0 alpha2 (and 5.2.5) also is the global variable with related valuelist bug (as in 5.2.6)
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Re: Servoy 6.0 alpha 2

Postby ptalbot » Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:18 pm


now that we have a built install of Servoy 6, can we use it as a target in Eclipse to work from SVN (the way we do it with the Servoy 5.2 branch), I guess there would be less extra libs to download this way.

What do you advise?
Patrick Talbot
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Re: Servoy 6.0 alpha 2

Postby jcompagner » Wed Feb 16, 2011 6:26 pm

you can use that as your target dir (thats always good so that you use the latest plugins)
But its better to always download the few server jars because those can go out of sync.
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Re: Servoy 6.0 alpha 2

Postby ptalbot » Wed Feb 16, 2011 6:33 pm

Got it. I have it running nicely pointing servoy_install to the alpha 2 installation, adding the 2 server jars to libs_extra and updating the target.
Patrick Talbot
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Re: Servoy 6.0 alpha 2

Postby mattfrizzell » Mon Mar 28, 2011 9:30 pm

[enh] 281441 dbmgr.rollbackEditedRecords and saveData with foundSet and record parameter

On a call to saveData does this new functionality (passing a foundset) batch the update queries or does it iterate through the records and run a single update query for each record on the foundset? I ask this because we are searching for ways to optimize updates and inserts (aren't we all). We love the functionality of operating on the foundset and having data broadcasted as a natural result of that, but we also know that it is quicker to batch updates or inserts in a sql statement and reload the records. Just curious.
Matt Frizzell
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Re: Servoy 6.0 alpha 2

Postby jcompagner » Mon Mar 28, 2011 11:32 pm

it is not a batch like sql batch or bulk insert
But from a client (especially smart client) it is one batch call to the server that then is inserted in a tied loop to the database on the server.

the databroadcast is not yet done as a bulk to a client, thats a call per record that you update/insert
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