rossent wrote:jcompagner wrote:what happens if you just turn of Build automatically?
(project menu)
I turned off the automatic build and restarted the Servoy Developer. The change did not have a significant effect on the performance issue - the Save operation takes a bit less (about 12 seconds instead of 20) but everything else is like before - working in the script is still an endless waiting process.
A few more things which may help you track down and resolve the issue:
I created a sample blank solution in a separate workspace where I copied the code from one of the big files which we have (it is a bit over 6000 LOC, with about 200 methods and 20 form variables where about 50% are JSDoc comments - of course, there are tons of warnings due to the missing references). With the automatic build enabled and the JavaScript code analysis settings set to the default values, I immediately saw the script editor performance to decrease drastically. The solution contains a single file and selecting code using Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow takes about 1 second per key stroke! The same applies even if I try to select the code with the mouse. Using the Outline View, it takes about 1.5 seconds for the script editor to locate and display the method which I clicked on! If I add a few more files and modules, the thing becomes unusable. In other words, I can reproduce the performance issue event with an orders of magnitude smaller workspace - all it takes is a few large files in 4-5 modules to bring it to its knees. I am sure you should be able to reproduce this scenario quite easily.