Servoy 6.0 beta 3

Release notes for Servoy betas

Servoy 6.0 beta 3

Postby Jan Blok » Wed May 18, 2011 7:28 pm

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of Servoy 6.0 beta 3.

This version is available through the download option on the Servoy website and auto update.
Always make a backup of your current Servoy installation (directory and database) before installing/upgrading.
To update a Servoy eclipse open Check for updates via help menu.

For all the highlights read the wiki

Known installer issue: remote DB download issue, just use/select default developerDB for now. (which is the same as in previous releases)

Client Changes
[fix] 374611 tableview column Sort Indicators not aways in sync
[fix] 383472 controller.getWindow() returns null in the Webclient (works fine in the SmartClient)
[fix] 383484 Toolbar area on main window differs in styling from toolbar area on additional windows
[fix] 382174 mouseReleased still fires onAction on label (showClick = false), when navigate away
[fix] 381811 Buttons and Labels using HTML formatting for their text property display double images if the image tag <img> is included in the HTML
[fix] 334200 SmartClient tableView: non-re-sizable columns show a resize cursor anyway
[fix] 381239 In servoy_sample_crm form hides buttons Add, Edit Delete in WebClient
[fix] 351975 Sortdialog radios placed too far down and not setting colors and border
[fix] 379968 form paint problems in smart client, webclient renders fine

Developer Changes
[fix] 383833 Code complete incorrect for static Date functions now() and UTC()
[fix] 383755 Wrong builder marker when returning {numbervalue}.valueOf() in a function that is defined to return String
[fix] 381357 Add support to the method utils.stringReplaceTags() to accept as input not only a JSFoundset or JSRecord but a RuntimeForm as well
[fix] 381679 bug when moving objects up & down in form editor including parts, with command keys
[fix] 382068 Invalid warning when using the i18n.setI18NMessagesFilter method
[fix] 382173,380629 Servoy Developer freezes when attempting to TAB-indent several selected lines of code
[fix] 355409 Call Global Method for Primary Key Auto-Enter
[fix] 291478 ToolTip to solution nodes under All Solutions in Solution Explorer
[fix] 378690 Unacceptable performance when working with big files in the script editor
[fix] 366695 Events Auto generated Method Template Name
[fix] 377370 Incorrect code inspection warning when using object arguments with additional properties
[fix] 377371 Using for the @param tags the ""any type"" {*} and custom objects {prop1: String, prop2: Number} result in ""Unknown Type"" warning

Server Changes
[fix] 379243 UUIDs Problem when importing solution on server, if solution uses inheritance on form elements
[fix] 366454 Setting element visible overrides security viewable setting
[fix] 384812 jtds driver problems with version 6
[fix] 381659 Install as a Service feedback
[fix] 382835 Ntext and NvarChar(Max) support for MSSQL 2005 and later
[fix] 383244 Compression not enabled on HTTP connector of tomcat in 6.0 b2 installer
[fix] 380566 Log Server settings better moved to Database Connections on the Admin page
[fix] 375701 Auto Tooltip disabling required for apps on Tablets
[fix] 377893 application.closesolution('solutionName', 'methodName', 'argumentValue') calls the deeplink method in the newly opened solution twice
[fix] 377947 Admin page updating database server connection properties possible without restart
[fix] 378017 system properties defined in profiles end-up in the startupArguments array and are passed as arguments into the deeplinkmethod, if specified

Plugin/Beans Changes
[enh] 382628 Add dblclick and rightclick to dbtreeview
[enh] 277319,190664 (DB)TreeTableView and settable columnwidths
[enh] 375702 Please provide putClientProperty method also in components in the window plugin
[fix] 383485 plugins.window.getMenuBar() does not create menubars on JSWindows of type (modal_)dialog, only on type window
[fix] 382113 Invalid warning when using plugins.scheduler.addJob method
[fix] 381860 DBTreeviewTable difference between webclient en smartclient
[fix] 379104 Popup menu renders sub-menu items without images and expand arrow indicators in the web client
Jan Blok
Jan Blok
Posts: 2684
Joined: Mon Jun 23, 2003 11:15 am
Location: Amsterdam

Re: Servoy 6.0 beta 3

Postby rossent » Thu May 19, 2011 2:50 pm

Hi Servoy,

Thanks for the new update. The performance improvements in the Script and Form editors are significant and highly appreciated by all our developers.

However, there are some major issues introduced in this build:

1 - If a form in TABLE_VIEW is loaded with just a single record, clicking into the different columns in the grid causes the data in those fields to be wiped off!!! - this one by far is the worst issue which should be resolved as soon as possible because this causes data loss
2 - The JSRenderEvent argument which is provided in the onRender event callback throws cast errors when attempting to get a reference to the renderable component [event.getRenderable()] if the component which fired the event is a data field (RuntimeDataField) or a label with displaysTags set to true (RuntimeDataLabel)
3 - Elements which are set as invisible (visible = false) are still being displayed on TABLE_VIEW forms (the grid generates columns for the invisible elements)

We also are experiencing noticeable performance decrease for some operations at run time in the Smart Client compared to the beta 2 - have not pinpointed exactly the root cause for this but in most cases it appears to be UI repainting related (at least the Servoy profiler shows that a method executes in 100ms where it takes more than 1 second on the UI to be refreshed and display the results from the method) Cases have been created for the above mentioned issues - just wanted to give heads up to anybody who plans to upgrade to beta 3 regarding the possible problems.
Rossen Totev
Argos Software
Posts: 288
Joined: Wed Dec 31, 2008 2:03 pm

Re: Servoy 6.0 beta 3

Postby rossent » Fri May 27, 2011 2:42 pm

This is related to case 381357:

The documentation and sample for utils.stringReplaceTags does not reflect the change - only JSFoundset and JSRecord are listed as available inputs
Rossen Totev
Argos Software
Posts: 288
Joined: Wed Dec 31, 2008 2:03 pm

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