We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of Servoy 6.0 release candidate 2.
This version is available through the download option on the Servoy website and auto update.
Always make a backup of your current Servoy installation (directory and database) before installing/upgrading.
To update a Servoy eclipse open Check for updates via help menu.
For all the highlights read the wiki
Client Changes
[fix] 374856 Divider in dropdown of Combobox consumes a position while keyboard navigating through the values
[fix] 391677 In Smart Client, Button and Label mouse click events are being accepted while a prior onAction event callback is still processing
[fix] 392008 Searching on a field: display type = CHECK & valueList
[fix] 378366,378366 Combobox select doesn't work on Mac when not using default Mac LAF
[fix] 393557 Slow UI response in Servoy6
Web Client Changes
[fix] 392009 Solution Model causes endless refresh loop
[fix] 395182 stylesheet on table headers put border around text instead of around label
Developer Changes
[fix] 286968,384506,394885 missing JSWindow functionality (size and location setters)
[fix] 330140 Set the first created form as FirstForm on solution
[fix] 357716 solutionModel JSForm.removecomponent() doesn't have any tooltip/param info in the solution explorer and has bad samplecode
[fix] 357723 shortcut in Servoy Developer under Help to Servoy Admin page
[fix] 358490 Icon for Date node of JSLib in solution explorer is missing
[fix] 358491 Parameter info is missing in the statusbar when clicking a JavaScript method inside the solution explorer
[fix] 386509 Profiler causes Smart Client freeze
[fix] 386955 CSS color shorthand notation not properly translated in Smart Client/form Editor
[fix] 387055 Buttons of the Elements Place Wizard toolbar in the form editor are wrongfully disabled if there are multiple elements selected inside the Form Editor
[fix] 389550 Incorrect warning for plugins.window.Popup - show method
[fix] 389605 StackOverflowError during: "Building workspace"
[fix] 392114 Problem placing form in tabpanel when 2 tables of the same name from different servers
[fix] 392829 When moving relation, the list of destinations isn't sorted
[fix] 392870 Error when doing dataset.createDatasource()
[fix] 394075 Solution Model JSMetho.getArguments returns quoted values when string
Application server Changes
[fix] 391639 RepositoryException on synchronize
[fix] 392066 If name of a labelFor is null it's not saved in Servoy repository
[fix] 393109 onPre and onPost module should not be loaded when deployed
[fix] 394638 SQLServer on Servoy 6.0 RC1 problem