Servoy 6.0 release candidate 4

Release notes for Servoy betas

Servoy 6.0 release candidate 4

Postby Jan Blok » Mon Jul 18, 2011 5:41 pm

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of Servoy 6.0 rc 4.

This version is available through the download option on the Servoy website and auto update.
Always make a backup of your current Servoy installation (directory and database) before installing/upgrading.
To update a Servoy eclipse open Check for updates via help menu.

For all the highlights read the wiki and rc4 specific.

There is a known issue with IE9 and DnD, which will be corrected in next release.

Client Changes
[fix] 401006 ComboBox dropdowns aren't wide enough anymore in the Smart Client

WebClient Changes
[fix] 277652 Ability to drop in between 2 records when doing DND
[fix] 400485 StyleSheet border-left-width not correctly applied in the WC (field becomes narrower instead) and in the Smart Client the border color is wrong when using CSs Hex Color shorthand notation
[fix] 400457 ,400456 Labels, with a 1px images (gradient) do not anchor, grow anymore
[fix] 399328 WebClient button alignment issues
[fix] 399956 Element sizing issue in the WebClient
[fix] 399955 WebClient checkbox/radiobutton fields do not show correctly when sized for 2 columns
[fix] 399365 Margin applied through CSS has no effect on Radio/Checkboxes with a single value valuelist attached in the SmartClient, while it works properly in WebClient or when a multi value valuelists is attached

Developer Changes
[fix] 400483 Form containing an element with the same name as the form results is 2 builder markers complaining about duplicate elements on the form
[fix] 400567 Using the alldataproviders property of the form's selected record generates a warning
[fix] 400380 No builder marker generated to a label of which the labelFor property is set to a non-existing element

Application Server Changes
[fix] 399384 StackoverflowError in Servoy v6.0rc3
[fix] 399595 servoy_sample_solutionModel does not work

Plugin/Beans Changes
[fix] 400633 File Plugin Issue With Selecting Both Files And Dirs
[fix] 400379 sample code/tooltip of plugins.window.showfileOpenDialog explain the return type
Jan Blok
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Re: Servoy 6.0 release candidate 4

Postby tysonj » Tue Jul 19, 2011 4:21 pm


I am trying to reduce the warnings showing up in servoy6_rc1 and now am stuck with some hundereds of warning related to Dynamic object property access.
its something like this:-

* @param {String} formName
* @properties={typeid:24,uuid:"85004476-b152-4493-b5ed-ecc0d42f9697"}
function hideBusyProgress(formName)
forms[sFrmName].firstName = ...... // am trying to initialize my dataProviders.....

warning received for above code:- "The property ptcon_add1 is undefined for the type Form"

I tried working with some JSDoc :wink: but in vain... :( so need some help friends... :)
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Re: Servoy 6.0 release candidate 4

Postby jcompagner » Tue Jul 19, 2011 4:37 pm

how do you know it has a firstname?
can't you cast to a superform or something that you know sFrmName has to extend?

else what you can do is:

forms[sFrmName]['firstName'] = ......
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Re: Servoy 6.0 release candidate 4

Postby tizzo » Tue Jul 19, 2011 4:43 pm

After the update my solution based on the latest framework release doesn't work anymore:
  • in the smart client, after the login i could see the next loading bar but it stopped at the beginning
  • in the web client, after the login it seemed all to be freezed and the cpu charge was at 99% for servoy.exe
I've tried to restart but the devoleper itself didn't load...

The only thing I was able to do is return to version 6 beta and re-configure the framework...

Anyone got the same problem?
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Re: Servoy 6.0 release candidate 4

Postby jcompagner » Tue Jul 19, 2011 4:45 pm

Try to create stackdumps from the admin page when the cpu is high or when the smartclient seems to be stuck.
Maybe we can see what happens.
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Re: Servoy 6.0 release candidate 4

Postby tizzo » Tue Jul 19, 2011 4:53 pm

It happens also when I open a form in the developer (from another servoy installation...)

I'm a bit scared about doing another update...
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Re: Servoy 6.0 release candidate 4

Postby GaryDotzlaw » Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:14 pm

We have also found that RC4 will not launch on Win64; Servoy Developer splash freezes. On the Mac, we find it does open, but if you go to CLEAN the projects, it will hang permanently.
Gary Dotzlaw
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Re: Servoy 6.0 release candidate 4

Postby kwpsd » Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:22 pm

We are running RC4 on a 64-bit Windows OS with no problems:

    Servoy Version: 6.0.0 rc4 - build 1215

    Java Version 1.6.0_24
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Re: Servoy 6.0 release candidate 4

Postby martinh » Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:32 am

Same issue here.

RC4 Developer didn't startup.

I removed the whole workspace directory
Then RC4 is starting in developer.

But when importing a solution, then it hangs again
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Re: Servoy 6.0 release candidate 4

Postby studiomiazzo » Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:16 am

martinh wrote:RC4 Developer didn't startup

same here :?
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Re: Servoy 6.0 release candidate 4

Postby jcompagner » Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:18 am

please attach stackdumps (made on the admin page) at the moment it hangs..

EDIT: i think i found it, do you have multiply pk's on tables??
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Re: Servoy 6.0 release candidate 4

Postby martinh » Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:23 am

jcompagner wrote:EDIT: i think i found it, do you have multiply pk's on tables??

On one of my tables I do have
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Re: Servoy 6.0 release candidate 4

Postby hsummerhays » Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:35 pm

When using the new CSS styling for odd/even/selected in the Web Client, the table seems to remember which rows you previously selected and then highlights all of them when you re-sort...

7-20-2011 1-22-14 PM.png
7-20-2011 1-22-14 PM.png (10.86 KiB) Viewed 21348 times
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Re: Servoy 6.0 release candidate 4

Postby Harjo » Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:40 pm

yes indeed, filed already a case for that, a few days ago!
Harjo Kompagnie
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Re: Servoy 6.0 release candidate 4

Postby rafig » Thu Jul 21, 2011 6:27 pm

this might be a stupid question, but I am looking at a client's solution that is currently running under Servoy 5.2.6
I am looking at the solution that I have checked out from their SVN repository and trying to fix some of the Warnings & Info's.
If I do things to forms or methods that do not use any Servoy 6 specific code/features to fix them, can I commit those changes back to the SVN for use back in 5.2.6??

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