We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of Servoy 6.1 release candidate 2.
This version is available through the download option on the Servoy website and auto-update.
Always make a backup of your current Servoy installation (directory and database) before installing/upgrading.
To update a Servoy eclipse open Check for updates via help menu.
For Servoy 6.1 feature highlight see wiki
The issue's fixed only in 6.1 or not yet released in other version are:
Client Changes
[enh] SVY-399 Determine whether a related foundset was the result of a find/search.
[fix] SVY-2127 Runtime property format on DataField missing
[fix] SVY-2069 Behavioral difference between webclient en smart client.
Developer Changes
[fix] SVY-2250 Code-completion and intelisense no longer available for java classes
[fix] SVY-2245 Invalid warning for custom object returned from a method of another custom object
[fix] SVY-2217 solutionModel removeRelationItem() not working
[fix] SVY-2190 When adding a new form to a solution or module, it is automatically set as the firstForm ignoring the prior setting
[fix] SVY-2188 Export to WAR file fails when copying files from plugins subdirectory
[fix] SVY-2168 method addFile of http plugin doesn't send any File