We are pleased to announce the availability of Servoy 7.4 release candidate 2 (releaseNumber 2024).
This version is available through the download option on the Servoy website and auto-update.
Always make a backup of your current Servoy installation (directory and database) before installing/upgrading.
To update a Servoy eclipse add an eclipse update site:
https://www.servoy.com/developer/70x_up ... ecandidate
followed by "Check for updates" via help menu.
Read all about the enhancements and new features at:
The issues addressed, since Servoy 7.3.1 release:
Client changes
[enh] SVY-5837 Allow "with" besides select in sql queries
[enh] SVY-5901 valuelist not showing when non-stored calc is used (two relations deep)
[fix] SVY-5648 After getEditedRecords cursor is losing focus
[fix] SVY-5536 Calculation not displaying / updating correct value
[fix] SVY-5569 Default title for dialog window is not consistent between Web and Smart clients
[fix] SVY-5431 Enter on button doesn't trigger onAction when defined as shortcut in different form.
[fix] SVY-5392 Flashes "No File Selected" after upload a file
[fix] SVY-5764 IDatabaseManager.commitTransaction() saves records that haven't been passed to saveUpdates(List<IRecord>)
[fix] SVY-5439 Popupwindow of type JSWindow.WINDOW on Mac does/can NOT get focus
[fix] SVY-5745 Servoy client runs out of memory on long procedures, likely (stored)calculations
[fix] SVY-5881 TYPE_AHEAD field closes overlay form created with plugins.window.showFormPopup
[fix] SVY-5659 Transparency setting at Solution Model is persistent and not being able to change in runtime
[fix] SVY-5570 TypeAhead dropdown font incorrect
[fix] SVY-5176 onRender focus issues in list view
[fix] SVY-5472 foundset.hasConditions() returns true if empty and never been in find()
[fix] SVY-5873 Related records are not updated in a tab panel after having been changed by code
[fix] SVY-5551 Valeulists based on relations do not resolve the display value in the Smart Client when record changes are reverted/canceled.
[fix] SVY-5699 databasemanager.revertEditedRecords Failing when Modifying Primary Key
[fix] SVY-5976 foundset.deleteAllRecords leaves phantom records in client
[fix] SVY-5873 Related records are not updated in a tab panel after having been changed by code
[fix] SVY-5847 Smartclient doesn't react to setting OnSort to none
[fix] SVY-5845 label format is not applied when setting it through code
[fix] SVY-5830 Size and location of JSWindow in smart client is only honored when the window is closed
[fix] SVY-5705 Relations not honoring column conversion
WebClient changes
[enh] SVY-5817 Splitpanel still resizable even if dividerSize = 0 (when using table view)
[fix] SVY-5404 A view bugs with html_area, Servoy 7.3.0 2018, Webclient/Chrome
[fix] SVY-5263 Css stylesheets/js files added using WebClientUtils plugin lost
[fix] SVY-5482 Focus field after editing in WC table view
[fix] SVY-5644 Html field renders ugly
[fix] SVY-5457 No tab to HTML field in chrome
[fix] SVY-5774 Not possible to show "Loading" indicator with blockinputonrequest set.
[fix] SVY-5773 Page expiry redirect setting doesn't work.
[fix] SVY-5486 Placeholder text in IE9 shows through typeahead valuelist dropdown
[fix] SVY-5724 Poor performance loading separate foundsets in IE8
[fix] SVY-5720 WebClient: Memory leak caused by plugins.window.createShortcut().
[fix] SVY-5415 Webclient - Start horizontal but get the vertical width and height
[fix] SVY-5603 Webclient UI is blocked when clicking too fast
[fix] SVY-5749 Webclient busy cursor not working properly with block input on request setting
[fix] SVY-5647 Taborder in listview not working in webclient
[fix] SVY-5823 Tooltips of elements on popup forms do not show correctly in Web Client
[fix] SVY-5459 html toolbars on html area use way to much screen area WC
[fix] SVY-5627 multiselect & drag &drop problems in webclient
[fix] SVY-5626 onRender on a field in list mode causes a visible left to right rendering in the webclient
[fix] SVY-5983 TYPEAHEAD fields in Web Client do not select correct value when used with valuelists based on relation
[fix] SVY-5730 Using Down-arrow don't works in web-client
Developer changes
[enh] SVY-4226 Do not insert scope prefix when referencing form same scope.
[fix] SVY-5763 "Are you sure you want to override" question too often
[fix] SVY-5362 Move form" leaves js file in old solution folder
[fix] SVY-5435 message 'Applying Solution Explorer filter' has encountered a problem.
[fix] SVY-5664 'Move Calculation' and 'Move Aggregation' commands not working right
[fix] SVY-5291 Code completion doesn't recognize the column object
[fix] SVY-5146 Code completion problems in inherited forms
[fix] SVY-5426 It is extremely slow to save changes made to tables when several "clones" of the database are registered.
[fix] SVY-5752 Logs full of errors: "Component class com.servoy.j2db.server.headlessclient.dataui.WebDataLookupField with dp: some_field already removed from its parent form."
[fix] SVY-5442 Missing autocomplete value on table event
[fix] SVY-5207 Move media deletes Items also when not moved
[fix] SVY-5477 Selecting several forms for "Move form" results in an unequal count of "Select destination module" dialogs
[fix] SVY-5121 Servoy Developer not running in Mac
[fix] SVY-5850 Servoy Logging causes database error : too many connections
[fix] SVY-5314 Signature mismatch error when trying to remove missing arguments
[fix] SVY-5313 Signature mismatch on button from a extendsForm
[fix] SVY-5190 delete in User/Group Editor not working right
[fix] SVY-5460 Unit tests do not fail if onLoad handle method in a form throws Error
[fix] SVY-5642 setting the rowindex in a dataset scope variable fails
Server changes
[enh] SVY-5242 Read IPlugin classes from manifest
[enh] SVY-5635 update key tool link in admin pages
[fix] SVY-5645 Admin page still doesn't display groups
[fix] SVY-5511 Performance: Slow when querying a large array of ids.
[fix] SVY-5695 branding is changed in Servoy 7.3.1
[fix] SVY-5573 change default DATETIME column type for MS SQL Server
[fix] SVY-5519 When creating a new database from servoy a schema is copied
[fix] SVY-5658 When using i18n a ' is replaced by ''
[fix] SVY-5713 Lacking Support for PSQL
Plugins changes
[fix] SVY-5854 Servoy Treeview Bean bug on Mac OS X
[fix] SVY-5577 Rest headless clients can stop processing the incoming databroadcast