Servoy 7.4 rc 2

Release notes for Servoy betas

Servoy 7.4 rc 2

Postby Jan Blok » Mon Feb 17, 2014 7:48 pm

We are pleased to announce the availability of Servoy 7.4 release candidate 2 (releaseNumber 2024).

This version is available through the download option on the Servoy website and auto-update.
Always make a backup of your current Servoy installation (directory and database) before installing/upgrading.

To update a Servoy eclipse add an eclipse update site: ... ecandidate
followed by "Check for updates" via help menu.

Read all about the enhancements and new features at:

The issues addressed, since Servoy 7.3.1 release:

Client changes
[enh] SVY-5837 Allow "with" besides select in sql queries
[enh] SVY-5901 valuelist not showing when non-stored calc is used (two relations deep)
[fix] SVY-5648 After getEditedRecords cursor is losing focus
[fix] SVY-5536 Calculation not displaying / updating correct value
[fix] SVY-5569 Default title for dialog window is not consistent between Web and Smart clients
[fix] SVY-5431 Enter on button doesn't trigger onAction when defined as shortcut in different form.
[fix] SVY-5392 Flashes "No File Selected" after upload a file
[fix] SVY-5764 IDatabaseManager.commitTransaction() saves records that haven't been passed to saveUpdates(List<IRecord>)
[fix] SVY-5439 Popupwindow of type JSWindow.WINDOW on Mac does/can NOT get focus
[fix] SVY-5745 Servoy client runs out of memory on long procedures, likely (stored)calculations
[fix] SVY-5881 TYPE_AHEAD field closes overlay form created with plugins.window.showFormPopup
[fix] SVY-5659 Transparency setting at Solution Model is persistent and not being able to change in runtime
[fix] SVY-5570 TypeAhead dropdown font incorrect
[fix] SVY-5176 onRender focus issues in list view
[fix] SVY-5472 foundset.hasConditions() returns true if empty and never been in find()
[fix] SVY-5873 Related records are not updated in a tab panel after having been changed by code
[fix] SVY-5551 Valeulists based on relations do not resolve the display value in the Smart Client when record changes are reverted/canceled.
[fix] SVY-5699 databasemanager.revertEditedRecords Failing when Modifying Primary Key
[fix] SVY-5976 foundset.deleteAllRecords leaves phantom records in client
[fix] SVY-5873 Related records are not updated in a tab panel after having been changed by code
[fix] SVY-5847 Smartclient doesn't react to setting OnSort to none
[fix] SVY-5845 label format is not applied when setting it through code
[fix] SVY-5830 Size and location of JSWindow in smart client is only honored when the window is closed
[fix] SVY-5705 Relations not honoring column conversion

WebClient changes
[enh] SVY-5817 Splitpanel still resizable even if dividerSize = 0 (when using table view)
[fix] SVY-5404 A view bugs with html_area, Servoy 7.3.0 2018, Webclient/Chrome
[fix] SVY-5263 Css stylesheets/js files added using WebClientUtils plugin lost
[fix] SVY-5482 Focus field after editing in WC table view
[fix] SVY-5644 Html field renders ugly
[fix] SVY-5457 No tab to HTML field in chrome
[fix] SVY-5774 Not possible to show "Loading" indicator with blockinputonrequest set.
[fix] SVY-5773 Page expiry redirect setting doesn't work.
[fix] SVY-5486 Placeholder text in IE9 shows through typeahead valuelist dropdown
[fix] SVY-5724 Poor performance loading separate foundsets in IE8
[fix] SVY-5720 WebClient: Memory leak caused by plugins.window.createShortcut().
[fix] SVY-5415 Webclient - Start horizontal but get the vertical width and height
[fix] SVY-5603 Webclient UI is blocked when clicking too fast
[fix] SVY-5749 Webclient busy cursor not working properly with block input on request setting
[fix] SVY-5647 Taborder in listview not working in webclient
[fix] SVY-5823 Tooltips of elements on popup forms do not show correctly in Web Client
[fix] SVY-5459 html toolbars on html area use way to much screen area WC
[fix] SVY-5627 multiselect & drag &drop problems in webclient
[fix] SVY-5626 onRender on a field in list mode causes a visible left to right rendering in the webclient
[fix] SVY-5983 TYPEAHEAD fields in Web Client do not select correct value when used with valuelists based on relation
[fix] SVY-5730 Using Down-arrow don't works in web-client

Developer changes
[enh] SVY-4226 Do not insert scope prefix when referencing form same scope.
[fix] SVY-5763 "Are you sure you want to override" question too often
[fix] SVY-5362 Move form" leaves js file in old solution folder
[fix] SVY-5435 message 'Applying Solution Explorer filter' has encountered a problem.
[fix] SVY-5664 'Move Calculation' and 'Move Aggregation' commands not working right
[fix] SVY-5291 Code completion doesn't recognize the column object
[fix] SVY-5146 Code completion problems in inherited forms
[fix] SVY-5426 It is extremely slow to save changes made to tables when several "clones" of the database are registered.
[fix] SVY-5752 Logs full of errors: "Component class com.servoy.j2db.server.headlessclient.dataui.WebDataLookupField with dp: some_field already removed from its parent form."
[fix] SVY-5442 Missing autocomplete value on table event
[fix] SVY-5207 Move media deletes Items also when not moved
[fix] SVY-5477 Selecting several forms for "Move form" results in an unequal count of "Select destination module" dialogs
[fix] SVY-5121 Servoy Developer not running in Mac
[fix] SVY-5850 Servoy Logging causes database error : too many connections
[fix] SVY-5314 Signature mismatch error when trying to remove missing arguments
[fix] SVY-5313 Signature mismatch on button from a extendsForm
[fix] SVY-5190 delete in User/Group Editor not working right
[fix] SVY-5460 Unit tests do not fail if onLoad handle method in a form throws Error
[fix] SVY-5642 setting the rowindex in a dataset scope variable fails

Server changes
[enh] SVY-5242 Read IPlugin classes from manifest
[enh] SVY-5635 update key tool link in admin pages
[fix] SVY-5645 Admin page still doesn't display groups
[fix] SVY-5511 Performance: Slow when querying a large array of ids.
[fix] SVY-5695 branding is changed in Servoy 7.3.1
[fix] SVY-5573 change default DATETIME column type for MS SQL Server
[fix] SVY-5519 When creating a new database from servoy a schema is copied
[fix] SVY-5658 When using i18n a ' is replaced by ''
[fix] SVY-5713 Lacking Support for PSQL

Plugins changes
[fix] SVY-5854 Servoy Treeview Bean bug on Mac OS X
[fix] SVY-5577 Rest headless clients can stop processing the incoming databroadcast
Jan Blok
Jan Blok
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Re: Servoy 7.4 rc

Postby jasantana » Tue Feb 18, 2014 10:27 am

Thanks !!
Best regards,
Juan Antonio Santana Medina
Servoy MVP 2015
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Re: Servoy 7.4 rc

Postby deezzub » Tue Feb 18, 2014 11:39 pm

Is there an Servoy 7.4 installer, which I can try on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS „Trusty Tahr“?
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Re: Servoy 7.4 rc

Postby jasantana » Wed Feb 19, 2014 10:56 am

Have you checked the download page?
Best regards,
Juan Antonio Santana Medina
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Re: Servoy 7.4 rc

Postby deezzub » Wed Feb 19, 2014 11:12 am

jasantana wrote:Have you checked the download page?

Yes, yesterday, there was no 7.4 RC download. Now, there is a 7.4 RC download available.
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Re: Servoy 7.4 rc

Postby ngervasi » Wed Feb 19, 2014 3:44 pm

I'm getting a lot of JavaFX error running this on MacOSX with Java 7:

Code: Select all
An internal error occurred during: "Requesting Script AST from selection".

Errors occurred during the build.
Errors running builder 'Script Builder' on project 'SintProFramework'.

Any idea?
Just moving from view to view is enough to trigger multiple errors without even launching the solution.
Nicola Gervasi
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Re: Servoy 7.4 rc

Postby Andrei Costescu » Wed Feb 19, 2014 4:54 pm

Do you also have some stack traces in .metadata/.log (I'm assuming those errors show up in a dialog)?
If you do, please create a case with those and the javafx code snippet you have in your script files.
Andrei Costescu
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Re: Servoy 7.4 rc

Postby ngervasi » Wed Feb 19, 2014 5:27 pm

I will create a case with the log but I'm not using any javafx code at all.
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Re: Servoy 7.4 rc

Postby ngervasi » Wed Feb 19, 2014 5:33 pm

Issue created: SVP-392
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Re: Servoy 7.4 rc

Postby rioba » Sun Feb 23, 2014 11:32 pm

Both the it2be ftp plugin and the Mindfire mfFt plugin are not loading after updating to Servoy 7.4 rc 2
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Re: Servoy 7.4 rc

Postby ptalbot » Sun Feb 23, 2014 11:45 pm

This is most likely due to missing osgi classpath import attributes in Developer.
I've seen for example that the commons-fileupload.jar classes returns a ClassNotFound exception when they are available in /lib, but not accessible to the debug client classpath.
Patrick Talbot
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Re: Servoy 7.4 rc

Postby Andrei Costescu » Mon Feb 24, 2014 10:41 am

Separate discussion about this (classpath issue) here.
Andrei Costescu
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Re: Servoy 7.4 rc

Postby Jan Blok » Mon Feb 24, 2014 11:03 am

We removed the apache commons-logging lib from osgi classpath since it did break the latest SQLExplorer plugin in developer.
See case

Patrick: could you file a case for the broken plugin?
Jan Blok
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Re: Servoy 7.4 rc

Postby ptalbot » Mon Feb 24, 2014 5:35 pm

But I cannot set this bug to public (no option in the create bug window) nor set the Servoy version.
I cannot edit it either. Is that new in the support???
Patrick Talbot
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Re: Servoy 7.4 rc

Postby ROCLASI » Mon Feb 24, 2014 8:06 pm

Hi Patrick,

Seems you created a Servoy Support ticket (SVP-xxxx) instead of a Servoy Product (SVY-xxxx) ticket. I guess these are always set to private.
Robert Ivens
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