Servoy 2020.03 release candidate 2

Release notes for Servoy betas

Servoy 2020.03 release candidate 2

Postby jcompagner » Thu Mar 19, 2020 7:59 pm

We are pleased to announce the availability of Servoy 2020.03 release candidate 2 (release number 3561)

RC2 notes:
Most fixes are small fixes in developer that are for the new Tutorial and Startup dialog
and improvements for the lazy/later and async loading of the solutions

We did update a library for the excel plugin in extensions
The POI lib that we ship is updated from 3.x to a 4.11 release so we will be in sync with the new Jasper Plugin

For this release we created for Windows an actual native installer: exe
and for the MacOSX we have an native dmg
for linux it is still the tar.gz

For windows we also still have just the zip

The all in one installer is not created anymore.

An installation (coming from the normal installer or from a platform specific archive) is shipping with with a Java VM (Java 13.0.1)

So for the platform specific archives you don't need to install or java have on your system.

The developer can be updated by the ... ecandidate update site url.
This is in our "latest" release stream (03,06,09,12) if you want to stick the the lts release then disable that releasecandidate url and stick to the urls with "lts" in the name
If you update to this release you have to do a new install of 201903_lts to go back to an the LTS release branch

If you do update from a bit older version (then 09) then it could be that there is a left over driver in the drivers dir that has 0 bytes. Make sure you delete that one, and if you make war exports from this make sure you don't include this 0 byte driver jar. That will result in errors when deploying.

See whats new for the global changes

See the issues list for a complete overview of all the cases including the update for this release.

Many of the component and service packages also have new releases already or are in the process of a release.
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Re: Servoy 2020.03 release candidate 2

Postby patrick » Thu Mar 19, 2020 8:08 pm

We did update a library for the excel plugin in extensions
The POI lib that we ship is updated from 3.x to a 4.11 release so we will be in sync with the new Jasper Plugin

For those of you using the svyUtils$Excel this change also requires the POI extension libraries to be updated. Please refer to and make sure you download the latest Jasper plugin and to properly align all versions. An updated version of svyUtils$Excel is available through the Web Package Manager when you are on Servoy 2020.03.
Patrick Ruhsert
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Re: Servoy 2020.03 release candidate 2

Postby sean » Mon Mar 23, 2020 12:54 pm

Please join us for Servoy 2020.03 release webinar today

While we know it's definitely NOT business-as-usual, we here at Servoy are still at work (from home). And we feel it is important to bring you these updates wherever you are. In today's webinar, we’ll review the many enhancements that ship with Servoy 2020.03 and cover the ins-and-outs of the update process. This webinar is for Servoy experts and newbies alike. You will learn:

    Key enhancements and changes to be aware of 
    How to handle the update process
    What's in-store this week

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Re: Servoy 2020.03 release candidate 2

Postby sean » Tue Mar 24, 2020 4:22 pm

Please join us for Servoy 2020.03 release webinar Part 2 on Wednesday

* While we know it's definitely NOT business-as-usual, we here at Servoy are still at work (from home). And we feel it is important to bring you these updates wherever you are.

Part 2 - Secure your Apps and Services

Take your app security to the next level with the all-new JWT Plug-in for Servoy. JSON Web Tokens (JWT) is a leading industry-standard (RFC 7519) approach to securely represent claims between two parties. This webinar is for anyone who is interested in negotiating secure exchanges between two platforms. You will learn:
    How to generate and verify tokens
    Encode payloads
    Secure transactions across your platform using best practices.

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If you missed Part 1 or want to re-watch it, you can stream it from our archives.
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Re: Servoy 2020.03 release candidate 2

Postby wvitpr » Thu Mar 26, 2020 4:59 am

Hi, Since updating to this version I have had the following issues.
1. Code completion
New forms, form variables and methods are not reconised until developer is restarted. Very Painfull
2. War Export
After upgrading to postgres 12, I put the latest jdbc driver in the drivers directory this new driver was not exported to the war file even after explicitly requesting it.
Phillip Routley

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Re: Servoy 2020.03 release candidate 2

Postby jcompagner » Thu Mar 26, 2020 10:01 am

for <1> what are you exactly doing?
i can't reproduce this, if i just make a new form like "test2" and from another form i do "forms." then "test2" does appear
if i then add a form variable to the new "test2" forms i can do from another form "forms.test2." and i see the new variable also just fine.

<2> i also can't reproduce that works fine for me (would be very weird because that is for servoy just a file copy we don't do anything special)
What i did was just throw in "postgresql-42.2.11.jar" besides our postgresql jar and even without restart i exported the war again, the new one was shown and when selecting it it was exported in the new WAR.
When i did exit the developer, (so i can delete the old one) and then rename the new one to the old one, then restart the developer and do another export it would export that new driver just fine.
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Re: Servoy 2020.03 release candidate 2

Postby wvitpr » Thu Mar 26, 2020 10:35 am

Ok so im pretty sure my problem was related to my install.. I just downloaded the zip file extracted it to the servoy directory and it now seems good. I previously updated developer via the built in updater. Is that a problem?
Phillip Routley

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Re: Servoy 2020.03 release candidate 2

Postby jcompagner » Thu Mar 26, 2020 11:30 am

shouldn't be, the test that i did was a upgraded install from a rc1 to rc2 release..
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Re: Servoy 2020.03 release candidate 2

Postby sean » Thu Mar 26, 2020 8:33 pm

* While we know it's definitely NOT business-as-usual, we here at Servoy are still at work (from home). And we feel it is important to bring you these updates wherever you are.

Part 3 - Friday March 27 - Google Maps Component Update

To wrap up this launch series, we’ll look at enhancements to one of our more popular components, SvyGMaps, which combines Servoy’s data-binding with Google Maps. This webinar is for anyone having geographic data in their applications, including addresses or geographic features. You will learn:

    How to delight your users by adding a geographic perspective to your application.
    What’s new since the last release
    Including gesturing, enhanced markers, route mapping and more.

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If you missed Part 1 & 2 or want to re-watch it, you can stream it from our archives.
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Re: Servoy 2020.03 release candidate 2

Postby steve1376656734 » Fri Mar 27, 2020 6:14 pm

I have downloaded and installed the MacOS dmg file.

Using a new blank workspace seems to work fine but if I try to open an existing workspace I get the warning about upgrading it to the latest version and when I click continue the Developer application then hangs indefinitely and the activity monitor shows the application is not responding.

Any ideas?

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Re: Servoy 2020.03 release candidate 2

Postby jcompagner » Fri Mar 27, 2020 6:54 pm

when it does that can you go to the admin page in the browser?
and dump the stack?
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Re: Servoy 2020.03 release candidate 2

Postby steve1376656734 » Fri Mar 27, 2020 7:03 pm

I have just tried it again with the same result but I am unable to load the admin page - I just get "Connection refused". I suspect the Tomcat process is not yet active.

Also the readme.txt in the dmg file mentions running firstuse.command before running the application but there is no firstuse.command included in the dmg image.
SAN Developer
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Re: Servoy 2020.03 release candidate 2

Postby jcompagner » Mon Mar 30, 2020 9:11 am

no running first use is not needed anymore for the dmg file only when using the osx tar gz file.

You could generate i think a stack dump with some other tool (by starting it through the console i think and then do something like CTRL-QUITE) but i don't know the exact procedure of that for OSX
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Re: Servoy 2020.03 release candidate 2

Postby jcompagner » Mon Mar 30, 2020 9:17 am

ok this should be it:
start servoy with the console:

servoy -console

that should open up a console window where you see some output happening

then in that window you can do: ctrl + \ (on windows this is ctrl + break)

that should generate a file with the stack dump
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Re: Servoy 2020.03 release candidate 2

Postby steve1376656734 » Tue Mar 31, 2020 10:19 am

I have tried running the app with the -console flag and no console appears so I cannot run a stack dump.

I am going to try this with a different workspace and let you know the results.
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