Servoy 2021.03 release candidate 2

Release notes for Servoy betas

Servoy 2021.03 release candidate 2

Postby jcompagner » Mon Mar 22, 2021 4:00 pm

We are pleased to announce the availability of Servoy 2021.03 release candidate 2 (release number 3641)

This releases mostly improves the NGClient2, see the whats new and issues links below.

For Windows the installer: exe
and for the MacOSX we have an native dmg
for linux it is tar.gz

For windows we also still have just the zip

An installation (coming from the normal installer or from a platform specific archive) is shipping with with a Java VM (Java 15.0.2)

So for the platform specific archives you don't need to install or java have on your system.

The developer can be updated by the ... ecandidate update site url.
This is in our "latest" release stream (03,06,09,12) if you want to stick the the lts release then disable that releasecandidate url and stick to the urls with "lts" in the name
If you update to this release you have to do a new install of 2020.03.3_lts to go back to an the LTS release branch

This release will be promoted to our next LTS release (after 2021.06 latest release)

See whats new for the global changes

See the issues list for a complete overview of all the cases.

Most servoy packages, components, services will also be getting new releases.
Johan Compagner
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Re: Servoy 2021.03 release candidate 2

Postby rafig » Wed Mar 24, 2021 6:46 pm

Firstly, congratulations on the latest RC!

Secondly, it now works on (my) Apple Mac mini M1 !!! (there was an initial crash on activating the previous versions workspace, but after clearing that & re-importing the cloudSampleSolution, it is working!)

There (of course) doesn't seem to be any speed difference as it is not 'native' (yet?), but hopefully in time that might change.
Anyway, thought I'd better update the forum.

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Re: Servoy 2021.03 release candidate 2

Postby jcompagner » Wed Mar 24, 2021 7:02 pm

for the native port we are depending on a lot of stuff..
first Java port that must be there (we are currently on the AdoptOpenJDK ... ant=openj9 )
Then we need native a Eclipse port (SWT toolkit)
And we also ship a native Chromium with our installer, but we could skip that one (and depend on the embeded local browser as we do now for the most part)

For NGClient2 we are going to ship even more native stuff like NodeJS/NPM: not sure what the status is there...
Johan Compagner
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Re: Servoy 2021.03 release candidate 2

Postby rafig » Thu Mar 25, 2021 1:27 pm

Great, thanks Johan.
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