Servoy Naming convention Whitepaper

Release notes for Servoy betas

Servoy Naming convention Whitepaper

Postby Tony_Adrian » Sat May 03, 2003 2:44 am

The Servoy Developer Manual posted on or about May 1, 2003 references a whitepaper on Servoy naming conventions. I can't seem to locate it on the Servoy site. Can you please post the URL where this is available.

Thank you,
Tony Adrian RN

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re: Servoy Naming convention Whitepaper

Postby Jan Aleman » Sat May 03, 2003 5:54 pm

the naming conventions are still work in progress, sorry for the inconvenience
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Re: re: Servoy Naming convention Whitepaper

Postby drookwood » Tue Nov 11, 2003 7:11 pm

Any update on this?

jaleman wrote:the naming conventions are still work in progress, sorry for the inconvenience
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Postby admin » Wed Nov 12, 2003 1:35 am

They are not available yet. Back then we were hoping a third party to publish naming convetion suggestions but that never happened. We're not sure if we should recommend certain naming conventions as Servoy or if it would be better if a group of Servoy Developers would come up with naming conventions, thoughts?
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Postby mattman » Wed Nov 12, 2003 2:26 am

admin wrote:They are not available yet. Back then we were hoping a third party to publish naming convetion suggestions but that never happened. We're not sure if we should recommend certain naming conventions as Servoy or if it would be better if a group of Servoy Developers would come up with naming conventions, thoughts?

My personal opinion is that it may be a bit early for this. There are a few things we don't have a good handle on. Such as the amount of code that will be required to be maintained in an average sized application. I have already found that some organization similar to what is required in FileMaker may be needed in the area of global methods. Get too many of them and you need to start using empty methods as separators.

However, if you don't need to maintain 4 different methods for going to first, next, previous and last records because you can create one single method using a function that gets the name of a button then the code and naming conventions apply more to the inside of methods than they do within the organziation of methods.

Although I do think that some existing conventions from most DB naming should pass over and naming of objects in JavaScript will also be useful. For the bulk of people using Servoy today, they are still on a learning curve that is being continuously bent by the developers adding in new features as we go along.

I would also clarify that there are both naming conventions and organizational conventions that make moving amongst your code easier. These will flush out over time and as long as Servoy provides a forum they will appear slowly.

Just my opinion.
Matt Petrowsky
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Postby david » Wed Nov 12, 2003 7:22 pm

I agree. On the one hand I have my original solution from when Servoy was just released still in production with minimal changes and on the other hand I am constantly trying to integrate new features and changes that are coming to us at such a rapid rate. Add to this the fact that Servoy is such a flexible tool new techniques and crazy ways to use Servoy are constantly being discovered. I would hazard a guess that the Servoy programming team has been surprised on ocassion at the some of the wacky stuff we come up with.

Certainly, in the midst of all this change some basic methodologies would be helpful. However, I think that this effort will need to come from the developer community eventually -- much in the same way the Lasso community came up with a couple of methodologies.

In my view, the interaction in this forum is the first step. Once enough developers have a good handle on Servoy, I think that more and more discussions will be devoted to sharing ideas on various methodologies. Eventually, maybe a dedicated forum should be devoted to this subject.

- david
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