Servoy 2.2rc8

Release notes for Servoy betas

Servoy 2.2rc8

Postby Jan Blok » Wed May 25, 2005 5:57 pm

We announce the immediate availability of Servoy 2.2rc8, if no issues are found/reported this will be declared the final release in several days.

NOTE: this is PRE-RELEASE SOFTWARE, use with caution and make BACKUPS before you start.

This version is available through auto update.

Previous build info

[fix]-numerous code sample and tooltip updates
[fix]-tabless panel not painting correctly if a tab is replaced through javascript
[fix]-designmode sometimes possible when used for module form
[fix]-illegal functions removed from relations node in calculation editor
[fix]-import plugin for importing csv files (bad parsing)
[fix]-blobloading error when using oracle as a database
[fix]-when user is in multiple groups the security access is not always the combined highest access
[fix]-font kerning problem with printing on Java 1.5
[fix]-Apple menu on wrong place on Apple Java 1.5
[enh]-memory improvements when many records are used
[enh]-debug log has timestamp for each log line.
[enh]-better client-server connection diconnects handling
[enh]-mail plugin now support pop server url override
[enh]-mail plugin supports APOP
[enh]-better mail structure compose in mail plugin

For plugin developers:
[fix]-loading/initialize of combined client and developer plugin is changed to developer init only
[enh]-some small enhances to the specialmatteborder
[enh]-menu actions have the Servoy i18n key as Action.default
Last edited by Jan Blok on Mon Jun 06, 2005 3:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Jan Blok
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Postby ROCLASI » Wed May 25, 2005 8:25 pm

Very nice!

Some quick observations here:

- In the admin pages the true/false popup menus are a bit too narrow for Mac OS X. 'false' shows up as 'fa...'.
So to see what it says you have to click on the popup first.

- The lib/images/cross.gif is still missing in the Locks page.

Just crossing the t's and dotting the i's here. ;)

Things are looking good. :D
Robert Ivens
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Re: Servoy 2.2rc8

Postby olivier melet » Thu May 26, 2005 5:12 pm

Jan Blok wrote:[fix]-font kerning problem with printing on Java 1.5

Should we do something in order to have the fix applied? Because kerning is still faulty by us, especially for 'ff', 'fe' and all combinations with letter 'm'. As a side-effect, right margins on labels have disapeared from our forms, when printed.

Second, a developper bug seems to have appeared with 2.2 rc8, when browsing our solution, the 'Designer (ctrl-l)' is sometimes disabled either from tool menu and from palette. Workaround is hitting history back then history forward.

Thouroughly testing the rc8, we still can't make the addTableFilterParam() function to work, see:

Servoy Developer
Version R2 2.2rc8-build 326
Java version 1.5.0_03-b07 (Windows XP SP1 or SP2)
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Re: Servoy 2.2rc8

Postby Jan Blok » Thu May 26, 2005 5:19 pm

olivier melet wrote:
Jan Blok wrote:[fix]-font kerning problem with printing on Java 1.5

1) Should we do something in order to have the fix applied? Because kerning is still faulty by us, especially for 'ff', 'fe' and all combinations with letter 'm'. As a side-effect, right margins on labels have disapeared from our forms, when printed.

2) Second, a developper bug seems to have appeared with 2.2 rc8, when browsing our solution, the 'Designer (ctrl-l)' is sometimes disabled either from tool menu and from palette. Workaround is hitting history back then history forward.

1) It worked for us (and a tester), could you sent us a sample solution showing us this?
2) We noticed, will be corrected in the final
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Re: Servoy 2.2rc8

Postby olivier melet » Thu May 26, 2005 6:39 pm

Jan Blok wrote:1) It worked for us (and a tester), could you sent us a sample solution showing us this?

I made lots of tests now, and have more info to share.
(As we use special printing stylesheets for reports it is easy to try changes)
-We noticed better printing for text in fields (printing fields)
What still causes troubles:
-Printing labels, text in labels is still wrong kerned. And kerning problems differs depending on font and size chosen.

When not applying a stylesheet to the printing form and thus using servoy default, labels seem to be ok (with fontsize 12 and up...)

Please check label printing with sizes 10-8. If necessary, I'll make a demo solution.
Last edited by olivier melet on Mon May 30, 2005 3:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Olivier Melet
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Postby gzola » Fri May 27, 2005 11:57 am

[fix]-designmode sometimes possible when used for module form

It marks it that the button "Design" is some times disabled.

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Postby ROCLASI » Fri May 27, 2005 3:51 pm

gzola wrote:It marks it that the button "Design" is some times disabled.

Are you talking about this?

If so, this is fixed in the next release.
Robert Ivens
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Postby sebster » Fri May 27, 2005 3:59 pm

Images problem is fixed, thanks for the report.

I cannot reproduce true/false problem. This is implemented using a standard select in HTML, no size is specified, so it seems to be a browser bug if it shows it incorrectly.
Sebastiaan van Erk
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Re: Servoy 2.2rc8

Postby ngervasi » Fri May 27, 2005 8:53 pm

Jan Blok wrote:[enh]-debug log has timestamp for each log line.

Happy to see this one!! :-)
Just a little glitch: the time should be in 24 hrs format or at least there should be an indication of AM/PM:

This relates to 20:15 but it would be a little confusing tomorrow with another entry at say 8:20 AM. I know there's the date... ;-)

Code: Select all
2005-05-27 08:15 : Loading from /usr/local/servoy/
2005-05-27 08:15 : Loading - Done
2005-05-27 08:16 : Using RMI registry on port 1099

You guys are really doing a great job! Keep the fixes coming baby!
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Postby grahamg » Fri May 27, 2005 9:19 pm

Testing rc8 on OSX 10.2.8

A solution that has been developed & running fine on XP (rc3 - rc8) is running slow, throwing errors & occ freezing (requiring force-quit) on OSX.

Checking console shows series of error messages - ie "Exception executing calculation: ct_last_first_c, error: Exception executing calculation: ct_last_first_c, error: Cannot convert null to an object"

The calc field is simply: 'return ct_forename + ' ' + ct_surname.toUpperCase();

I have now wrapped a an IF statement round the calcs to check that there is data in the fields before evaluating and this seems to work.

Question: is this Servoy, OSX, Java or me!

Is it poor practice to just evaluate calc fields without testing for data in the fields? Maybe Win/Java is more forgiving than OSX/Java.

Guidance please - even if it is a slapped wrist :)

Graham Greensall
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Postby Jan Blok » Mon May 30, 2005 10:46 am

grahamg wrote:...A solution that has been developed & running fine on XP (rc3 - rc8) is running slow, throwing errors & occ freezing (requiring force-quit) on OSX...

We are unable to reproduce this, can you sent us the .log.txt ?
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Postby jcompagner » Mon May 30, 2005 10:52 am

The calc field is simply: 'return ct_forename + ' ' + ct_surname.toUpperCase();

but is there a ct_surname or not?
Because if ct_surname can be null then yes you need to check for it because you can't ask for a null thing to do uppercase() ...
Johan Compagner
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Postby grahamg » Mon May 30, 2005 11:42 am

Thanks for responses.

Jan - have sent log file as PM.

Johan - understand answer and yes 'null' is allowed on ct_Surname so I will test correctly in future. However solution continues to work without problem on Win XP :?


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Postby grahamg » Mon Jul 04, 2005 10:47 am

Just to wrap this one up & as a pointer for others who develop mostly on Windows the problem was down to errors caused by calculations that were not testing for null values - ie: upper(ct_Surname).

Once I'd corrected the Calc fields by preceding them with - if (ct_Surname) - the solution worked fine on Win/Mac - Win/Java seems to be more forgiving than OSX/Java so if your solution will be used cross platform its best to test on both as early as possible.

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Postby WonkyRuler » Fri May 16, 2008 3:28 pm

Hi there,

I just found this post its a great read, i had the same problem a while back and i couldn't really find a answer for it. These days i just use a british labels company for printing labels.
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