Openend a solution in the webclient and noticed a couple of things:
- Just starting developer, I see the following error in the console:
- Code: Select all
Error occured trying to load: C:\Program Files\Servoy 3.0b1\plugins\jakarta-poi\jakarta-poi-1.5.1-final.jar, error: erro
r in opening zip file
- Opening a solution in the WebClient, I see the following warning:
- Code: Select all
2006-04-06 10:30:43,418 WARN [http-8080-Processor3] wicket.protocol.http.MockServletContext - WARNING: The webapp root d
irectory is invalid:
- Opening the solutin in the WebClient, I get the following error:
- Code: Select all
Warning: global.setValueListDefaultValue is not defined in the globals, dynamic media global is created
Kan de volgende method niet uitvoeren: 'onShow'
TypeError: undefined is not a function. (onShow; line 9)
TypeError: undefined is not a function. (onShow; line 9)
at org.mozilla.javascript.NativeGlobal.constructError(NativeGlobal.java:584)
at org.mozilla.javascript.NativeGlobal.constructError(NativeGlobal.java:544)
at org.mozilla.javascript.NativeGlobal.typeError1(NativeGlobal.java:554)
at org.mozilla.javascript.ScriptRuntime.call(ScriptRuntime.java:1239)
at org.mozilla.javascript.gen.c3.call(onShow:9)
at com.servoy.j2db.scripting.f.executeFunction(Unknown Source)
at com.servoy.j2db.FormController.a(Unknown Source)
at com.servoy.j2db.FormController.a(Unknown Source)
at com.servoy.j2db.FormController.executeOnShowMethod(Unknown Source)
at com.servoy.j2db.FormManager$3.run(Unknown Source).....
This error is not displayed when opening the same solution in Developer. I tried to find the onShow method and line 9 in it, but none of the onShow methods I have have a line 9 with code. Only one onShow method has 9 lines. Here's it's content:
- Code: Select all
if (foundset.getSize() == 0)
//disable Main Tab, untill a SubScription has been selected by Search
for ( var i = 1 ; i <= elements.main.getMaxTabIndex(); i++ )
forms[elements.main.getSelectedTabFormName()].controller.enabled = false;
Am I using functions here that are not supported in the WebClient? I thought it would all work due to Jan's comment in the release notes of b2:
[fix]-made webclient components compatible with richclient components for all javascript functions
- I still see quite a few differences in layout between the rich client and the webclient.
- TabLess TabPanels seem to differ in size, so in the WebClient they are displayed with scrollbars, whereas in the rich client, everything is sized in such a way that they do not show
- If there are too many tabs on a tabpanel to show the tabs on one line, there can be a funny break of the last tab on one of the lines, if the tabtext contains a ' ' (space). If the last tab on a line has a space in it's tabtext, it can happen that the first word is displayed as the last tab on the line and the next word is displayed as another tab on the next line
- In FireFox, the height of Comboboxes is less than it should be, so the text inside is not properly displayed (works fine in IE 6.0)
- ComboBoxes are not as wide as they ought to be (seems like about 7 pixels are missing on the right)
- Transparency on (transparent) gif images doesn't seem to work in IE 6.0
- Text on buttons that fits easily in the rich client, doesn't fit in the webclient.
Should I send some screenshot and possible the solution somewhere?
Besides these layout issues, controller.enabled and setTabEnabled do not seem to work in my solution, but that can also be related to the error described above in the onShow command (maybe, due to the error, the code is not fired at all).