Servoy 3.0 Beta 2

Release notes for Servoy betas

Postby david » Thu Apr 06, 2006 4:51 pm

The BIGGEST issue I see with Webdirect at the moment is the fact that only default looking buttons will trigger a method. Transparent buttons with no borders (to look like a standard html link) don't trigger methods still. Will this be added soon?

I do love the file upload and blob display. Too freaking cool.
David Workman, Kabootit

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Postby jcompagner » Thu Apr 06, 2006 5:19 pm

this should work just fine.
Just set a button on youre form and set the onclick property to false.
Then you will get a link.
Johan Compagner
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Postby david » Thu Apr 06, 2006 5:29 pm

And I thought I was the king of trying everything....

Off to the races now. This stuff is the bomb. But maybe that's because I really detest coding websites. One could argue this is because I'm not very good at it.

Now I really might not ever have to get good at it. This makes me happy.
David Workman, Kabootit

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Postby coulombre » Thu Apr 06, 2006 6:31 pm

Hi David,

Coding websites, IMHO, is like writing DOS batch files. Something you do when necessary, but certainly not fun (or productive). I really like tools like Servoy (and for that matter FileMaker) that make me productive, and take away a lot of the tedium required in other development environments.


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Postby david » Thu Apr 06, 2006 6:59 pm

coulombre wrote:Hi David,

Coding websites, IMHO, is like writing DOS batch files. Something you do when necessary, but certainly not fun (or productive). I really like tools like Servoy (and for that matter FileMaker) that make me productive, and take away a lot of the tedium required in other development environments.


Rich Coulombre

Ah, it all makes sense now...I was never any good at writing DOS batch files either... :lol:
David Workman, Kabootit

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Re: Servoy 3.0 Beta 2

Postby Robert Huber » Sun Apr 09, 2006 7:14 pm

Hi Jan and Johann and all others

I have a very strange behaviour in Servoy 3 Beta 2: The following newRecord statement

// Create new waypoint record (to be filled with data from import, i. e. a record from table import_positions)

gives this error: ASA Error -195: Column 'name' in table 'waypoints' cannot be NULL

As the error happens at the statement newRecord, of course there is still nothing in each attribute, these are filled in later in the method as seen below.

After a complete new installing of Servoy Beta 2 the error message just mentions another colum (name), on the original installing it gave the same error on another column!

Best regards, Robert

PS: This is my whole code, which used to work in previous versions:

Title Insert all waypoint records from table import_positions into table waypoints
Authors Robert Huber
Version 0.1, 23.1.2006

Tables import_positions, waypoints
Files -
Debugging application.output();


// set dialog defaults
globals.countryCode = "-"; // - Select Country -
globals.stateId = 0; // - Select State -
globals.sourceId = 0; // - Select Source -

if ( controller.getMaxRecordIndex() > 0 )
var noOfRecords = controller.getMaxRecordIndex(); // returns the number of records for this foundset

// Ask for country and state of waypoints
application.showFormInDialog(forms.DialogAddToWaypoints,-1,-1,-1,-1,'Add to Wayppoints',false,false,false);

if ( dialogButtonPressed == 'add' )
databaseManager.startTransaction(); // transaction rollback point
for ( var i = 1 ; i <= noOfRecords ; i++ )
if ( importrow.substring(0, 1) == '*' )
; // do nothing
// Create new waypoint record (to be filled with data from import, i. e. a record from table import_positions)
// Split importrow into individual attributes
var attributesArray = importrow.split(',');
// Set columns in table waypoints
var waypointAttributes = attributesArray[4]; // assign waypoint attributes, e. g. AT
var waypointAttributesCheckBoxFormat;

if ( waypointAttributes.length > 1 )
waypointAttributesCheckBoxFormat = waypointAttributes.charAt(0) + '\n';
for ( var j = 1 ; j < waypointAttributes.length - 1 ; j++ )
waypointAttributesCheckBoxFormat += waypointAttributes.charAt(j) + '\n'; // add new line after each character to get checkbox format
waypointAttributesCheckBoxFormat += waypointAttributes.charAt(j); // no new line needed after last character

waypointAttributesCheckBoxFormat = waypointAttributes.charAt(0); // store attribute without a new line (at the end)

// Set attributes in table waypoints
forms._waypoints.attributes = waypointAttributesCheckBoxFormat;
forms._waypoints.elevation = attributesArray[3];
forms._waypoints.latitude = attributesArray[1];
forms._waypoints.longitude = attributesArray[2]; = attributesArray[5];
forms._waypoints.remark = attributesArray[6];
forms._waypoints.state_id = globals.stateId;
forms._waypoints.source_id = globals.sourceId;

var success = databaseManager.commitTransaction();
if ( success )
plugins.dialogs.showInfoDialog('Add to Waypoints','Waypoints successfully to waypoints added!','OK');
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog('Add to Waypoints','No waypoints added! (Commit failed)','OK');
// cancel pressed, do nothing
plugins.dialogs.showWarningDialog('Waypoints', 'No waypoints transfered!');
Robert Huber
7r gmbh, Switzerland
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Postby john.allen » Sat Apr 15, 2006 2:44 am

I have seen one strange behavior with this. I went directly to the beta release as a new install so I wasn't upgrading. I have a method that puts all the elements of a form in a global variable using the allnames property. I had only 83 named elements on that form and when I look in the method editor tree for the elements of that form I also only see those 83 elements. However the 'forms.formname.elements.allnames' of that form returns 84 elements. The 'rogue' element is called 'dialog4'. I have nothing by that name on any of my forms nor in my methods nor does it show up in the 'elements tree' in the method editor. This definitely wasn't there and didn't happen using 2.2.4. I wasn't planning on upgrading yet actually but I thought I would take the plunge when it became impossible for me to import my solutions on this computer (see ... ght=#30505)

Unfortunately that didn't solve that problem but it did bring this to light :)
Should this be filed as a bug? Or for beta releases should we post them on these 'announcements' as before? Servoy Developer
Version 3.0b2-build 363
Java version 1.5.0_06-b05 (Windows 2000)

John Allen
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Postby Robert Huber » Sat Apr 15, 2006 3:43 pm

Hi John

There is definitly a strange behaviour in my solution as well, as the succes a newRecord command (in a method) can't be depending on what forms is in front, can it?

BTW, I am still unable to get bean properties after the initial placement on a form. Do you also have this phenom on your Mac with Developer Beta 2?

Best regards, Robert

john.allen wrote:I have seen one strange behavior with this. I went directly to the beta release as a new install so I wasn't upgrading. I have a method that puts all the elements of a form in a global variable using the allnames property. I had only 83 named elements on that form and when I look in the method editor tree for the elements of that form I also only see those 83 elements. However the 'forms.formname.elements.allnames' of that form returns 84 elements. The 'rogue' element is called 'dialog4'. I have nothing by that name on any of my forms nor in my methods nor does it show up in the 'elements tree' in the method editor. This definitely wasn't there and didn't happen using 2.2.4. I wasn't planning on upgrading yet actually but I thought I would take the plunge when it became impossible for me to import my solutions on this computer (see ... ght=#30505)

Unfortunately that didn't solve that problem but it did bring this to light :)
Should this be filed as a bug? Or for beta releases should we post them on these 'announcements' as before? Servoy Developer
Version 3.0b2-build 363
Java version 1.5.0_06-b05 (Windows 2000)

Robert Huber
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Postby jcompagner » Tue Apr 18, 2006 10:59 am

can you make a case where i can see a newRecord immediantly saving the the record even if you don't call saveData() or change to another form anywhere?

NewRecord shouldn't save
You can go around that completely now by using databasemanager.autosave = false;
Johan Compagner
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Postby Robert Huber » Tue Apr 18, 2006 3:15 pm

Hi Johann

See attached the situation of the error occuring at the newRecord statement. I found it also occurs with the controller.setSelectedIndex( i ); or controller.setSelectedIndex( ++i ); statement, which is even more strange.

Best regards, Robert

PS: I am feeling stupid, but I can't find the button to upload an image any more, only when I open a new thread in this list.

jcompagner wrote:Robert,
can you make a case where i can see a newRecord immediantly saving the the record even if you don't call saveData() or change to another form anywhere?

NewRecord shouldn't save
You can go around that completely now by using databasemanager.autosave = false;
Robert Huber
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Postby jcompagner » Tue Apr 18, 2006 3:22 pm

if you do setSelectedIndex() then it can that it saves.
Becaus then you go to another record and the current record is then saved.

Please add a case in the support system for this with a sample solution.

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Postby Robert Huber » Tue Apr 18, 2006 3:31 pm

That was just what I did :-) I put it in my case id 290 under other files. It's a zip file with two screen shots. I sent you my trial solution (under this case id) already so you can try it yourself.

Best regards, Robert

jcompagner wrote:if you do setSelectedIndex() then it can that it saves.
Becaus then you go to another record and the current record is then saved.

Please add a case in the support system for this with a sample solution.

Robert Huber
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Postby john.allen » Wed Apr 19, 2006 8:29 am

I reported earlier that a solution that was 'upgraded' to 3.0.2beta got an 'extra' named item in a form. This named item ('dialog4') was not named on that form nor any other form in that solution nor did that element show up in the method tree for that form. Now I have also discovered that a couple of items that were named, somehow 'lost' their names. These were named label/buttons that when clicked performed a sort of the column that they were above. That method had been working for several weeks. After the upgrade, however, that sort did not work and when I investigated I found that the 'names' were now simply blank.
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Postby jcompagner » Thu Apr 20, 2006 4:46 pm

can you make a case with that or a sample solution so that i can look at it?

What happes if you really reset the names in that solution?
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Postby amcgilly » Thu Jun 29, 2006 8:02 pm

3.0.3 Build 364 on WinXP - in method editor tree, I can't see foundset under any of my forms. Also UseSeparateFoundset property is gone from the properties panel - any idea why?

If I type foundset in my method and hit ctrl-space I do get the foundset class of methods - i'ts just not in the tree.
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