Servoy 1.2RC7 (BETA) available

Release notes for Servoy betas

Servoy 1.2RC7 (BETA) available

Postby Jan Aleman » Sat Nov 01, 2003 1:56 am

We announce the immediate availability of Servoy 1.2RC7. NOTE: this is a beta, avoid using it on production data.
Make a backup of your current Servoy installation directory if you plan to upgrade or perform a clean installation into a new directory.
You can download the beta from the download section on the developer website at: You can find the beta under the header "Download the latest Servoy BETA" on the download page.

Also check the following URLS for earlier 1.2 enhancements and fixes:

[enh]-possibility to execute methods from within html with arguments
[enh]-toolbar with allignment tools
[enh]-lazy blob loading
[enh]-browser launch in developer
[enh]-script in developer behaves more like client (=better performance)
[enh]-fix for sybase date/time/stamp serialize to client
[enh]-added 'enable' javascript property on form
[enh]-added 'editable' javascript property on most field types
[enh]-added more dialog methods in dialog plugin
[enh]-security node in javascript solution object model
[enh]-added possibility to use different display en realvalue in custom valuelists,like "men|m"
[enh]-Mac command keys are supported again
[enh]-escaping '|' with backslash if want to use this as realvalue in custom valuelist
[fix]-enable of all area field types after disable
[fix]-failing edit start/stop in some list views
[fix]-never ending dataNotify between clients when using time in calcs
Jan Aleman
Jan Aleman
Posts: 2083
Joined: Wed Apr 23, 2003 9:49 pm
Location: Planet Earth

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