We announce the immediate availability of Servoy 3.0 Beta 3
This version is available through auto update and download page on Servoy website (developer section)
[fix]-headless client did not work until webclient is started (in beta 2)
[fix]-filter (Sybase) system views from the tablelist
[fix]-i18n editor stopped working after sorting with headings
[fix]-beans properties don't show second time a bean is selected
[enh]-made focus events debuggable
[enh]-many improves in webclient form output
[enh]-helper methods on dataset (addRow,setValue)
[enh]-unrelate function on a foundset object to retrieve an unrelated foundset from a related foundset
[enh]-added application.getIPAddress(), also works for webclient
[chg]-the option "-DSTACKTRACE=true" vm option is replaced with a property in servoy.properties "log4j.logger.com.servoy.j2db.util.Debug=TRACE", Servoy uses now Log4j framework in developer/server and in the rich client the default Java logging framework.
Previous releases: