chartpacs wrote:..In the tab sequence editor, after selecting an element(s), would it be possible to double-click it to move it to the other column?
Will work in Servoy 3.0 rc5
forms.<formname>.elements.<dbtreeview bean element>.selectionPath = someArrayOfPKs
WrappedException of org.mozilla.javascript.JavaScriptException: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String
pbakker wrote:If you have set a login form in the solution settings, you cannot set it back to none. You can select "none", but this setting is not saved. It is possible though to set it to another form. Whether or not the solution requires login has no effect on this.
SteveInLA wrote:1. Running J2SE 1.4.2 on Mac or PC producing a novel of errors in the startup_log.txt, most of which reference errors in something called Catalina, related to apache. This is new for 3.0. All errors in the log disappear if I user J2SE 5.0, but J2SE 5.0 give me other problems, such as...
2. I use HTML code placed into HTML_AREA fields to do most of my reporting. For the headers of lists in a report, I make a table with a border of 0 and a black background color that contains white text. Under J2SE 14.2_08, everything works nicely, but under J2SE 5.0 the black background does not appear unless I give the table a 1 pixel border, which looks terrible. I submitted a report to Servoy support, but I never heard of any solution. This happens in 2.2.5 and in 3.0.
3. I am using the dbtreeview bean for navigation in my solution. On startup or after coming out of Layout mode, a method tries to select a particular node by passing
2) SUN did some update on the Java html browser component which was not all for the better.
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