Servoy 3.0 Release Candidate 5

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Servoy 3.0 Release Candidate 5

Postby Jan Blok » Fri Sep 15, 2006 9:59 pm

We announce the immediate availability of Servoy 3.0 Release Candidate 5

NOTE: this is PRE-RELEASE SOFTWARE, use with caution and make BACKUPS before you start.

This version is available through auto update and download page on Servoy website (developer section)

[fix]-selectOnEnter did not always work in smartclient
[fix]-bgcolor not working for a webclient checkbox
[fix]-autosave disabled and find mode
[fix]-login form problems
[fix]-readonly/disabled checkbox still updates value
[fix]-combobox disables correctly in the webbrowser
[fix]-tablefilter usage on valuelists
[fix]-encoding problem with non-ascii chars in webclient formdata
[fix]-tabpanel removeAll tabs display problem in web en smart client
[fix]-web client list paging controls not working
[fix]-printing of html_areas from wtihin webclient
[enh]-lowered the dataChangeNotify messages sent between clients
[enh]-tab sequence editor double click does move indexes
[enh]-made setImageURL work on webclient elements
[enh]-options added to dataset.getAsHTML(...)

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Last edited by Jan Blok on Wed Sep 20, 2006 5:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby chartpacs » Fri Sep 15, 2006 11:54 pm


As always, thanks for the latest round of fixes (especially the selectOnEnter bugfix).
[fix]-combobox disables correctly in the webbrowser

So, as of RC5 there's no way to make a combobox non-editable in the smart client, while still allowing a selection in the webclient?
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Postby chartpacs » Sat Sep 16, 2006 12:29 am

OK, this is weird. Suppose you have a value list like:


If a combobox is non-editable, then selecting a value works as expected. If it's editable, then selecting a value does *nothing*. The field remains blank. This only seems to be a problem if the return value is a number. This value list works OK:

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autosave disabled and find not completely fixed?

Postby rioba » Sat Sep 16, 2006 8:34 am

It seems that the autosave disabled and find mode problem is in part still there.

I have a record in form view with a controller form (or should I call it navigator?) where there is a field/global variable that I use for searches. Autosave is false.

Everything is ok for searches WHILE I DO NOT EDIT RECORDS. But, if I edit a record on the main form and then do a new search, the record form enters find mode and the search string appears on the main form. This happens both if I first save or do not save the changes made to the record. Most of the times the behaviour revert to normal if I select a new record, but this is not always the case.

When autosave is true everything works as expected.
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Postby pbakker » Sat Sep 16, 2006 12:17 pm

[fix]-combobox disables correctly in the webbrowser

Mmmm, my non editable comboboxes are now also disabled in the Webclient. Is this intentional, because it doesn't really work for me...

[fix]-login form problems

In the WebClient, I'm still presented first with Servoy's default login form and after succesfully filling that, I'm presented with my custom login form. That doesn't seem right to me. I should only get the custom Login form, right?

Also, the login form needs to be based on a table (removing the table property value will give errors on form load), but this means that the addTableFilterParams I set in my onSolutionLoad method for that table won't work anymore (strange thing is that they do have effect in ComboBoxes and TypeAheads, but not for the displayed records)

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Postby Harjo » Sat Sep 16, 2006 12:42 pm

Mmmm, my non editable comboboxes are now also disabled in the Webclient. Is this intentional, because it doesn't really work for me...

Same problem here!
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Postby bcusick » Sat Sep 16, 2006 5:12 pm

chartpacs wrote:Apple|1

Cannot EVER work with an EDITABLE combobox - becuase you are using different return values than display values.

If the user enters 'Yellow' - what value is supposed to be return to the backend?
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Postby chartpacs » Sat Sep 16, 2006 5:55 pm

Bob wrote:
Cannot EVER work with an EDITABLE combobox - becuase you are using different return values than display values.

If the user enters 'Yellow' - what value is supposed to be return to the backend?

Good point. Wasn't thinking :oops: The only reason I made the field editable was because of the recent change where non-editable comboboxes are disabled in the webclient. ::scratching head:: Are we now supposed to create two separate forms, one for the smart client that has non-editable comboboxes, and another for the webclient that has editable ones?

As of RC5 we have to make a combobox non-editable to allow a selection in the webclient. Hmmmmm...that change might qualify as a regression. What are your thoughts?
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Postby patrick » Sat Sep 16, 2006 6:36 pm

Leads me to the question if the behaviour of having to be non editable when using a display/return type value list is a really good idea in general. I have, for example, the situation that I simply want to make such a field really not editable sometimes. Currently that still allows the use to choose a value.

Maybe one of the following options would be possible:

1. if a value list returns different values that it shows, Servoy could prevent the user from typing automatically. The option to enable/disable the field could then work as expected.
2. there could be a field property that controls whether the field allows manual entries
3. there could be an option in the value list itself

I prefer version 1. I think it is just logical that Servoy takes care of that because you can only make it wrong if you change that setting. It is also something everybody stumbles over when first using a display/return type value list.
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Postby jcompagner » Mon Sep 18, 2006 10:29 am

An editable combobox isn't possible in the webclient
There is no such thing as an editable select tag. We need a completely other component for that in the web browser. You can use currently a typeahead field for a editable textfield with choices. (you can't just popup the choices currently i think)

I will revert the change that editable = false will disable the combobox in the webclient. Editable will not do one thing for a combobox/select tag now.
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Postby jcompagner » Mon Sep 18, 2006 10:53 am

it is right if you have records that are in edit mode and you have autosave off then you have to first save your data before entering find.. Also make sure you use this now in 3.0:

// do find

Test before you enter find! because find can be stopped by more then one thing now for example a save error or when in disabled autosave and there are editted records.
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application.beep() 's gone?

Postby Karel Broer » Mon Sep 18, 2006 1:33 pm

Thanks for making Servoy 3.0 a flawless product, Servoyians!

I agree with former posts that the combobox in the WC is not editable anymore when set to non-editable.
I just wondered where application.beep() went in the mehod editor? :wink:
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Postby jcompagner » Mon Sep 18, 2006 2:06 pm

beep is still there (except with the web filter over the properties because beep is not supported in the webclient)
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Postby pbakker » Tue Sep 19, 2006 12:42 pm

There is no such thing as an editable select tag. We need a completely other component for that in the web browser.

If this completely new component makes it into Servoy one day, it would be very nice, because the current Combobox implementation also has a sizing issue:
- IE seems to size the height 2 pixels too little (and there is a limitation as to how high the Combobox can be (22px I think)).
- FF seems to display the Combobox 2 pixels too high

Normally the couple of pixels difference are not noticed easily, untill you have a couple of fields next to eachother, or spaces evenly below eachother.

And if the ComboBox would be replaced, maybe HTML in the dropdownlist (so images for example) and a wider dropdownlist as the field (works in FF, not in IE) could also be made possible.

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Postby chartpacs » Tue Sep 19, 2006 8:59 pm


Are tooltips supported at all in the webclient? If not, can you somehow leverage the HTML "title" attribute?

Also, when exporting a solution from the repository, the default location is the "solutions" directory inside the Servoy directory. Since I usually save exported solutions to my desktop, would it be possible to change the default location to the home directory? Or at the very least remember the last location used?
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