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Servoy 3.0 Release Candidate 6

PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 5:06 pm
by Jan Blok
We announce the immediate availability of Servoy 3.0 Release Candidate 6

NOTE: this is PRE-RELEASE SOFTWARE, use with caution and make BACKUPS before you start.

This version is available through auto update and download page on Servoy website (developer section)

[fix]-pdf printing from webclient (missing text_area's)
[fix]-image plugin memory leak
[fix]-solution import bug
[fix]-font definition in css which has an incorrect size (0)
[fix]-cancel developer securitydialog login (inconsistent state)
[fix]-beans properties (like name) not set correctly
[enh]-webclient checkbox alignment improved
[new]-databaseManager.setCreateEmptyFormFoundsets() turns the default foundset record loading off (must be called in solution open method)
[chg]-newRecords are default created ontop (unless specified with an argument) which is much faster UI wise

Previous releases:

PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 5:44 pm
by chartpacs
Hi Jan,

Thanks for the update. What is the benefit of the new databaseManager.setCreateEmptyFormFoundsets() function?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 6:58 pm
by Jan Blok
It makes the application faster if you always start in the forms with a search or use forms only related.
This is the same as calling foundset.clearFoundset() in all the forms onLoad method.

Css and buttons

PostPosted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 9:26 am
by rioba
In rc6 I have a problem with css and buttons. In my solution button text is generated by a tag connected to a global variable. The text is displayed correctly but the formatting defined by the css (font, size, weight) is not. Setting the font property in the properties panel fixes the problem, but it is quite annoying.

Servoy 3.0 rc6
MacOS X 10.4.7

Bordertype of rectangular not shown correctly when 0

PostPosted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 2:31 pm
by Rene
Hello Servoyans,

When you want to set a linewidth of 0 in the bordertype property of a rectangle eg SpecialMatteBorder the line stays visible (1) when a bigger number is entered the specified line gets thicker as it`s supposed to

A field element hides the 0 value correctly.

Servoy Developer
Version 3.0rc6-build 370
Java version 1.5.0_06-b05 (Windows XP)

Kind regards Rene

Re: Servoy 3.0 Release Candidate 6

PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 8:51 pm
by Robert Huber
Hi Jan and all other Servoyans

DBTreeView works like a charm, thanks, just have to find out how to overcome the lazy loading .-)

Also thanks to put new records on top, at first glance little problems, but for a user very annoying.

Thanks and looking forward for more such fixes/enhancements to come :-)

Best regards, Robert

PS: Much success and good luck at Servoy World, hope to be there next time.

Jan Blok wrote:We announce the immediate availability of Servoy 3.0 Release Candidate 6

NOTE: this is PRE-RELEASE SOFTWARE, use with caution and make BACKUPS before you start.

This version is available through auto update and download page on Servoy website (developer section)

[fix]-pdf printing from webclient (missing text_area's)
[fix]-image plugin memory leak
[fix]-solution import bug
[fix]-font definition in css which has an incorrect size (0)
[fix]-cancel developer securitydialog login (inconsistent state)
[fix]-beans properties (like name) not set correctly
[enh]-webclient checkbox alignment improved
[new]-databaseManager.setCreateEmptyFormFoundsets() turns the default foundset record loading off (must be called in solution open method)
[chg]-newRecords are default created ontop (unless specified with an argument) which is much faster UI wise

Previous releases:

PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:34 pm
by swingman
Hi all,

Servoy 3.0 seems to be more strict with styles than 2.2.x.

Just converting an old project going back to version 1.2 (2004) to Servoy 3.0 and have come across the following issue:

There are some items hidden somewhere in the project which refer to a style which as been deleted a long time ago. These are not visible in developer.

Servoy 3.0 refused to import my solution, complaining about the missing style. As you are all away enjoying the Developer Conference, I decide to fix this myself.

Warning: Make Backups first!!!

Before exporting from Servoy 2.2.x, open the servoy_repository in your favouite SQL tool:

Code: Select all
UPDATE servoy_element_properties SET property_value = 'brandnewstyle' WHERE content_id = 40 AND property_value = 'thenameofstylethatwasdeletedalongtimeago'

Restart Servoy. Export. Import into 3.0 :-)

PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:37 pm
by swingman
My 5-user license code for development I received when I joining the SAN in 2004 don't work with Servoy 3.0rc6. What do we do?

Need to demo for our client how fast Servoy is, before he buys his own licenses...

PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 10:31 pm
by maarten
Hi Christion,

Just try again. Should be ok now.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 12:50 am
by swingman