We announce the immediate availability of Servoy 3.1 Beta 2 (Multi Developer Release)
NOTE: this is PRE-RELEASE SOFTWARE, use with caution and make BACKUPS before you start.
This version is available through auto update and download page on Servoy website (developer section)
[fix]-Listview form with no body produces errors
[fix]-HTML areas don't accept uppercase tags like <HTML> and </HTML>
[fix]-field of type PASSWORD attached to dataprovider does not keep data changes
[fix]-value lost in find mode when multiple records are created
[fix]-SQL generation problem when having many omitted records
[new]-elements have a function getElementType(), returns a text string, like "TEXT_FIELD"
[enh]-multidev:modules editable (edit/remove/delete methods or edit valuelist/relations or modules)
[enh]-multidev:styles are synced over developers
[enh]-multidev:Audit support: In the LOG_SERVER connection a developer_audit table will be created and all changes/saves will be recorded: who,when and what.
[enh]-tabpanel addTab(...) function, has optional index argument where the tabpanel must be inserted
Previous releases: