We announce the immediate availability of Servoy 3.5 rc 3
NOTE: this is PRE-RELEASE SOFTWARE, use with caution and make BACKUPS before you start.
This version will be available shortly through auto update for users of versions later than 3.5 b2 (check via help menu -> check for new version)
[enh] various performance improvements
[enh] web clients: browsers' timezone used for displaying dates (tip: use timezone in date format)
[fix] made onTabChange event work
[fix] refreshing the method editors' element tree didn't work when staying in designer
[fix] in some situations, webclient could update disabled or readonly fields
[fix] valuelists with both display values and real values of type string would get mixed up in web client
[fix] web client would give internal error when clicking on an item that was being refreshed
[fix] class loading fix for web client; fixes tree and popup menu extensions
[fix] searching for a method would fail when there were two globals with the same name when using modules
[fix] empty fields are hidden when printing with print sliding shrinking is enabled for both width and height
[fix] printing fields with print sliding width would make fields grow beyond page boundaries
[fix] new i18n messages would only show after Servoy restart
[fix] mail body gets scrambled when body uses different character set than subject with both received and sent mail
[fix] runtime client giving 'can not save data' errors
[fix] added refresh support on db tree view bean
[fix] tooltips work with db treeview bean
[fix] redraw issue with db treeview bean
[fix] db tree view bean: nodename not correctly displayed
[fix] form styles couldn't be saved with runtime build
[fix] fields with attached converter would only accept string values
[fix] added new function setExpandedNode on dbTreeView bean
[fix] when cloning a form, form name would get garbled
[fix] next page buttons would not show in web client on forms with vertical scrollbar disabled
[fix] added Sybase 10 recognition
Previous release