Hi Paul
I have created modified a copy of the servoy crm application into a production ready saas application.
I added a "customerid" field to the udm tables, which i then use in the tablefilter. This field is filled with a unique customer code(eg 1000, 1001, etc) that is associated with the logged on user.
The problem i am experiencing is that when i click the delete button on the orders form, frm_order, the delete does not happen. In the debugger, the methos, controller.delete() does not perform the action.
The delete does however work on the crm contacts page, where exactly the same code is performed.
I tested the delete action on the servoy crm app (the original) and this works fine, but on my modified version it does not work on the orders form only.
Youe help would be greatly appreciated.
pbakker wrote:The tablefilter is indeed the way to go in SaaS solutions where the chosen SaaS implementation is one where the data of all customers is stored in the same database and tables, separated only by an "ownerid" column.
The tablefilter adds the additional where-clause to all SQL statements generated by Servoy. So, if you use your own SQl statements in your solution to get data, you need to take care of adding the additional where-clause yourself.
Same goes for Jasper Reports: You put the queries into the report, not Servoy (and the reports execute Server side, so not aware of what has been set in the Client).