Servoy 3.5 rc7

Release notes for Servoy betas

Servoy 3.5 rc7

Postby svroemisse » Tue Jul 24, 2007 4:46 pm

We announce the immediate availability of Servoy 3.5 rc 7

NOTE: this is PRE-RELEASE SOFTWARE, use with caution and make BACKUPS before you start.

This version will be available shortly through auto update for users of versions later than 3.5 b2 (check via help menu -> check for new version)

[chg] added 3 pages to the webclients configuration in the admin page:,,
[chg] application.closeFormDialog returns boolean indicating success or failure (false when blocked by onHide script)
[chg] web client plugin api allows publishing of content to browser, see below
[chg] changed default i18n message table name and made name editable
[enh] support for 'label for' in browser

[fix] web client menu plugin Internet Explorer
[fix] web client tabpanel fixes for Firefox
[fix] null pointer fix in related valuelist
[fix] closeFormInDialog now clears history when closing the dialog
[fix] media upload page won't case page expired errors anymore
[fix] there now can be more columns in the select than there are PK columns via loadRecords
[fix] fixes for date fields in web client
[fix] onTabChange will no longer be called on first selection
[fix] order of events synchronised between smart client and web client
[fix] renamed the jars for the http tunnel, see below
[fix] fix for bgcolor in table view
[fix] all validators allow empty or null values
[fix] for replace table(s) and use of duplicate servers
[fix] pass correct form name in form copies
[fix] web client checkbox selection problems
[fix] borderType editor window too small to fit content after fresh install
[fix] web client read-only forms wouldn't allow users to enter search data
[fix] pdf plugin dropping lines / improved printing
[fix] checkboxes would not go back to readonly after search in smart client
[fix] added some missing Sybase libraries, making dbinit and dbstop work - will not be included in auto update, perform full install when needed

Auto update note
Users of the auto update system need to replace their servoy server launch scripts on the server.

Windows users using auto update on their servers:
If you use the servoy_server.bat script: save the new servoy_server.bat file in your servoy folder.
If you are running Servoy as a Windows service: save the new wrapper.conf file in your servoy/service folder.

Mac users using auto update on their servers:
See: Linux users using auto update on their servers

Linux users using auto update on their servers:
Save the new file in your servoy folder.
Next, make it executable by doing
Code: Select all
cd <servoy directory>
chmod u+x

in a terminal, where <servoy directory> is the location of your Servoy installation.

Previous release
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Email validator still buggy

Postby Michael Mooney » Tue Jul 24, 2007 6:37 pm

Email validator is "better" than it was in rc6 but nulls/empty strings still have problems. Try this sequence:

1. Attach email validation to a text field;
2. Enter this field and type in the word "test" (my quotes);
3. Attempt to exit the field with the tab key;
4. Press ok to accept the dialogue's advice that the field needs to be fixed
5. Now, try to exit the field *after* backspacing to remove the word "test"

It is possible to exit the field with an empty string by:

1. Altering the field from "test" to "[email protected]" (the chances of a user knowing to do this is remote)
2. Tabbing out of the field;
3. Going back to the field and then clearing the contents - the field will then accept the empty string edit.

Thanks, Michael
Michael Mooney
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Function getRowIdentifierColumnNames() doesn't work anymore

Postby martinh » Wed Jul 25, 2007 10:12 am

The function jsTable.getRowIdentifierColumnNames() doesn't work anymore.

I found that the following works now jsTable.js_getRowIdentifierColumnNames()

Some temporary change???
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Re: Function getRowIdentifierColumnNames() doesn't work anym

Postby rgansevles » Wed Jul 25, 2007 11:34 am

martinh wrote:The function jsTable.getRowIdentifierColumnNames() doesn't work anymore.

I found that the following works now jsTable.js_getRowIdentifierColumnNames()

Some temporary change???


At some point the javascript engine gets confused, this is fixed for next release.

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Re: Email validator still buggy

Postby jcompagner » Wed Jul 25, 2007 1:20 pm

Michael Mooney wrote:5. Now, try to exit the field *after* backspacing to remove the word "test"

It is possible to exit the field with an empty string by:

1. Altering the field from "test" to "[email protected]" (the chances of a user knowing to do this is remote)
2. Tabbing out of the field;
3. Going back to the field and then clearing the contents - the field will then accept the empty string edit.

what is now exactly the problem?
Can a person insert a none valid email or not?

because exiting a field that is empty is allowed.
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Postby Michael Mooney » Wed Jul 25, 2007 5:40 pm


Resolved in case 86960 (bug fix) for 3.5 final - from Servoy support this am. Keystroke details can be found in this case submission.

The validation of the email string itself is fine. The problem is to do with entering invalid data into this field and then trying to remove it (ie - accidental entry of some data into the field and then deciding "I don't want anything in this field").

Michael Mooney
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Postby Robert Huber » Fri Jul 27, 2007 8:56 am


I am getting this error message. How to upgrade the server (and what exactly IS the serrver anyway?). Up to now I upgraded the Developer on the server, implicitly upgrading the server thereby (at least I thought that up to today).
What do I need to do?

Error Message:

Error connecting to the multi developer server:

When pressing the button Details >>:

com.servoy.j2db.multi.b: Developer version is newer then the server, upgrade the server or downgrade the developer

Best regards, Robert

PS: I can't figure out what the auto update note in: We announce the immediate availability of Servoy 3.5 rc 7
means. My existing file was not overwritten so where is the new one? Thanks for help.
Robert Huber
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Postby svroemisse » Fri Jul 27, 2007 9:15 am

Robert Huber wrote:How to upgrade the server?

Make a backup, stop Servoy, then do this from the Servoy directory on your server:
Code: Select all
java -jar servoy_server_updater.jar

And start Servoy server again.
Don't run developer on the server, as that will mess up your settings and licenses.

My existing file was not overwritten so where is the new one?

The auto update system doesn't take OSes and architectures into account. That means we can't ship Sybase or shell/batch scripts via the auto update system as they differ between Mac, Linux and Windows.

Download the file linked in the original post for your OS and you're set.
Last edited by svroemisse on Fri Jul 27, 2007 9:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
Sandor Vroemisse
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Postby pbakker » Fri Jul 27, 2007 9:19 am

What is your setup?

From the error message, I assume you have a MultiDev license installed on a Server and you are trying to connect top the multidev server from a developer, right?

The new can be obtained by clikcing the link in the release notes at the top of this thread. Click the link and the file will download.

As for what is a Server: Servoy server is the application server to which clients connect. The Servoy Server is a piece of software that you run on a computer either as a Service or you start is manually. If started manually, you probably have a console window to indicate that it's running. The Servoy Server is the piece of software that has all the connections to the databases, is the software that hosts the admin pages and the client start pages and offcourse does a whole bunch of other things as well.

If you start a develper, you also, automatically start a Servoy Server and then, if you close Developer and the Servoy Server is also automatically closed.

If your Servot server environment is one and the same as your developer environment, upgrading Developer will also upgrade the Server automatically.

But, like I said in the beginning of this post, i think you have at least 2 environments: 1 (MultiDev) Server environment and one Developer environment. Both need to be running exactly the same version of Servoy, or else you'll get the messages you're now getting.

You probably need to upgrade the MultiDev Server environment (see the docs for how this can be done).


BTW: A multiDev Server is a normal Servoy Server environemtn, but then one where there is also a MultiuDev License present.
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Postby Robert Huber » Fri Jul 27, 2007 10:46 am

Hi Sandor

Thanks a lot! That solved my problems :-)

Regards, Robert

svroemisse wrote:
Robert Huber wrote:How to upgrade the server?

Make a backup, stop Servoy, then do this from the Servoy directory on your server:
Code: Select all
java -jar servoy_server_updater.jar

And start Servoy server again.
Don't run developer on the server, as that will mess up your settings and licenses.

My existing file was not overwritten so where is the new one?

The auto update system doesn't take OSes and architectures into account. That means we can't ship Sybase or shell/batch scripts via the auto update system as they differ between Mac, Linux and Windows.

Download the file linked in the original post for your OS and you're set.
Robert Huber
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Postby Robert Huber » Fri Jul 27, 2007 10:51 am

Hi Paul, Sandor

Thanks a lot for your explanantions! I did what Sandor suggested and that solved the problems.

I am a bit concerned as I run on our Mac OS X server also the Servoy Developer application, just for update reasons. We do not use it for development, that's done on the Mac clients.

Is it a problem to have a Servoy Developer running on the server?

Best regards, Robert

pbakker wrote:What is your setup?

From the error message, I assume you have a MultiDev license installed on a Server and you are trying to connect top the multidev server from a developer, right?

The new can be obtained by clikcing the link in the release notes at the top of this thread. Click the link and the file will download.

As for what is a Server: Servoy server is the application server to which clients connect. The Servoy Server is a piece of software that you run on a computer either as a Service or you start is manually. If started manually, you probably have a console window to indicate that it's running. The Servoy Server is the piece of software that has all the connections to the databases, is the software that hosts the admin pages and the client start pages and offcourse does a whole bunch of other things as well.

If you start a develper, you also, automatically start a Servoy Server and then, if you close Developer and the Servoy Server is also automatically closed.

If your Servot server environment is one and the same as your developer environment, upgrading Developer will also upgrade the Server automatically.

But, like I said in the beginning of this post, i think you have at least 2 environments: 1 (MultiDev) Server environment and one Developer environment. Both need to be running exactly the same version of Servoy, or else you'll get the messages you're now getting.

You probably need to upgrade the MultiDev Server environment (see the docs for how this can be done).


BTW: A multiDev Server is a normal Servoy Server environemtn, but then one where there is also a MultiuDev License present.
Robert Huber
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Postby svroemisse » Fri Jul 27, 2007 4:03 pm

Robert Huber wrote:Is it a problem to have a Servoy Developer running on the server?

Yes it is. Don't do it. Really. Use the method I described above.
Sandor Vroemisse
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Postby Robert Huber » Tue Jul 31, 2007 9:21 am

Hi Sandor

So you are saying we should always do a Servoy server update with just the command

java -jar servoy_server_updater.jar

in the terminal? And NOT use the Servoy Developer on a Servoy server machine at all?

Best regards, Robert

svroemisse wrote:
Robert Huber wrote:Is it a problem to have a Servoy Developer running on the server?

Yes it is. Don't do it. Really. Use the method I described above.
Robert Huber
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Postby jcompagner » Tue Jul 31, 2007 9:26 am

you can run a developer on the server. But do use another file then.

So copy the current one: file to file then start developer with that property file so alter the servoy_developer.bat and add a system property to the startup:

Place that directly after the java command don't just append it to the string that doesn't work.
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Postby IT2Be » Tue Jul 31, 2007 9:26 am

And NOT use the Servoy Developer on a Servoy server machine at all?
Robert I think this conclusion is a little bit too fast.
What Sandor tried to tell (if I am correct) is that you should never use Servoy Developer with Servoy Server running.
However, when you shut down Servoy Server there is nothing wrong with running Servoy Developer.
Marcel J.G. Trapman (IT2BE)
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