FormInDialog resizing issues

Release notes for Servoy betas

FormInDialog resizing issues

Postby drookwood » Tue Nov 13, 2007 12:47 pm

I thought this had been fixed in earlier releases (there's a FIX note in 3.5rc2 release notes) but I cannot seem to reset the size of a form in dialog once it has been shown.

For web-client compatibility I use a single dialog form for all instances where previously I would use the dialog plugin but the size of the dialog needs to be flexible, and is reset each time it is used - except that this doesn't work, at least not in smart client or developer - the dialog shows at the size and location of its last use. Changing the location and size parameters makes no difference. In contrast, web client correctly resets the dialog!

How do I reset the size and location in smart client?
David Rookwood

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Postby ROCLASI » Tue Nov 13, 2007 1:48 pm

Hi David,

That issue was indeed fixed. And it still works correctly in 3.5.2.
You set the FID's size with application.setWindowSize(width,height);
So that works on the frontmost window (in this case the FID).

Hope this helps.
Robert Ivens
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Postby drookwood » Tue Nov 13, 2007 2:34 pm

Hi Robert,

Thanks for the hint - I noted that application.setWindowSize is not web client compatible and was looking for something that would work for both! However, as web client seems to behave OK just using the parameters set when the FID is shown, that is maybe not an issue.

Have tested application.setWindowSize() and this works fine when used as part of the onShow method for the FID form. Otherwise if the dialog is modal then you cannot set the window size methodically once the FID has been shown (because the FID is modal and therefore waits...)

Anyway, it works OK so thanks for the guidance - it still seems odd to me that simply setting the size and location parameters in the showFID step does not work correctly in smart client if the FID has to be resized :?
David Rookwood

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