Location of the newly created repository database file(s)

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Location of the newly created repository database file(s)

Postby huber » Fri Oct 19, 2012 1:39 pm

Hi all

We installed Servoy 6.1.2. As we did not have any repository database file, we have run the following command:
servoy_server.sh -upgradeRepository

The answer was the repository was successfully created and we have a database server connection pointing to it (an SQL Anywhere 12 database).
Where is this database file? I assume it must be named as servoy_repository because even the database server connection says so. But I can't find it.
The URL is: jdbc:sybase:Tds:localhost:2638/servoy_repository
Where is it located?
Usually the URL looks like: jdbc:sybase:Tds:localhost:2638?ServiceName=<database name>

Regards, Robert
Robert Huber
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Re: Location of the newly created repository database file(s

Postby huber » Tue Oct 23, 2012 9:42 am

I uninstalled version 6.1.2, but I still can connect to the repository - still no idea where it could be. As I also searched in the System folder, I assume it must be somewhere in a temp or cache folder.
Has anyone an idea?
Robert Huber
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Re: Location of the newly created repository database file(s

Postby dfrazier » Tue Oct 23, 2012 3:31 pm

Why are you looking for the actual db files on the drive? Would it not be easier to just connect to the RDMS server with some sort of client tool and access it that way? Maybe SQL Anywhere is different (I've never used it), but I know with PostgreSQL, it is typically not recommended to mess around with the database files themselves. You instead connect to the database using the command line or the pgAdmin client program. Perhaps I am not understanding what you are actually trying to do? If you need the SQL Anywhere client program, you can download it here: http://www.sybase.com/detail?id=1087327
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Re: Location of the newly created repository database file(s

Postby Harjo » Tue Oct 23, 2012 6:22 pm

Hi, Robert,

Servoy 6.1 does not come with Sybase anymore.
I see you mentioning Sybase SQL anywhere 12, so that one, you installed by hand?
Probably you updated a repository DB, which was still running, from an older version of Servoy.

with older version of Servoy you will find this in a folder: sybase_db.
with SQL anywhere 12, I don't know...

servoy_server.sh -upgradeRepository
does not create the database for you, it tries to find the database, and does an upgrade of internal structure...which is needed for a new (major) release of Servoy
Hope this helps
Harjo Kompagnie
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Re: Location of the newly created repository database file(s

Postby huber » Tue Nov 27, 2012 9:29 am

I am looking for the db files because first of all I wanted to find out what happened with my installation, but there are other reasons to know where the file is located, for example to make backups :-)
PostgreSQL has a very different installation and yes, you can not handle these (many) files the same way as you can the SQL Anywhere database files, which is very elegantly solved.

dfrazier wrote:Why are you looking for the actual db files on the drive? Would it not be easier to just connect to the RDMS server with some sort of client tool and access it that way? Maybe SQL Anywhere is different (I've never used it), but I know with PostgreSQL, it is typically not recommended to mess around with the database files themselves. You instead connect to the database using the command line or the pgAdmin client program. Perhaps I am not understanding what you are actually trying to do? If you need the SQL Anywhere client program, you can download it here: http://www.sybase.com/detail?id=1087327
Robert Huber
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Re: Location of the newly created repository database file(s

Postby huber » Tue Nov 27, 2012 9:41 am

Hi Harjo

I know SQL Anywhere is not part of the standard Servoy deployment anymore (for quite a while). But we continue using SQL Anywhere. We use both databases (Postgres long before it became the standard install with Servoy) for projects in use at customers (both databases in their latest versions).
For new projects we use SQL Anywhere, despite the licensing costs, which are (in my opinion of course) easily worth the money for what we get.
And yes, we have to install SQL Anywhere separately from Servoy, but this is of course no problem.

To come back to my original question, the only thing I would like to know is to what location (path in the files system) is the / (slash) in the URL pointing to?

URL is: jdbc:sybase:Tds:localhost:2638/servoy_repository

Best regards, Robert

Harjo wrote:Hi, Robert,

Servoy 6.1 does not come with Sybase anymore.
I see you mentioning Sybase SQL anywhere 12, so that one, you installed by hand?
Probably you updated a repository DB, which was still running, from an older version of Servoy.

with older version of Servoy you will find this in a folder: sybase_db.
with SQL anywhere 12, I don't know...

servoy_server.sh -upgradeRepository
does not create the database for you, it tries to find the database, and does an upgrade of internal structure...which is needed for a new (major) release of Servoy
Hope this helps
Robert Huber
7r AG, Switzerland
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