After importing a .servoy file into an application server the server log has a whole list of entries like:
2014-02-07 15:51:43,007 ERROR [http-8093-1] com.servoy.j2db.util.Debug - Error executing sql: insert into i18messages (message_key, message_language, message_value) values (?, ?, ?) with params: ['ass.tool.afdrukken' ,type: java.lang.String, 'en' ,type: java.lang.String, 'To print' ,type: java.lang.String] [ ]
java.sql.SQLException: Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'i18messagesid', table 'jos_backoffice.dbo.i18messages'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
Something goes wrong here, but I cannot contral the input queries of this table. Has anyone a clue?
Servoy version 7.3.1 -releaseNumber 2022
MSSQL database