Another Sybase install failure

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Another Sybase install failure

Postby lucidlee » Wed Aug 25, 2004 5:29 am

Sorry about the length of this post but I felt it best to add as much as I could to differentiate my problem from the others, and being a novice in the SQL/*NIX world must admit to being clueless about what is or isn't relevant. :oops:

After a complete reinstall of Servoy r2 up to 2.0.4 build 277 I'm unable to get Sybase started up as the repository server.
Previously I had a fully functional Servoy setup, ie Sybase repository was working but I was unable to install Sybase Central.
Now I've been able to get it installed by uninstalling everything Servoy, downloading and reinstalling the Sybase Anywhere package ( 9.0.1) and then reinstalling and upgrading Servoy 2 till I get to 2.0.4. But now when I start up Servoy it complains as follows:
org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBSQLException: Resource Exception. I/O error during "open" operation for file "/Applications/Data/Servoy/database/SERVOY.GDB"
Error while trying to open file
Reason: I/O error during "open" operation for file "/Applications/Data/Servoy/database/SERVOY.GDB"
Error while trying to open file

Meanwhile I can't find the Sybase server in the process viewer and Sybase Central reports no running engine. If I go to the sybase_db directory and try starting the engine directly by double clicking on dbsrv9 I get the following terminal output:
/Applications/Data/Servoy/sybase_db/dbsrv9; exit
Welcome to Darwin!
[HumDinger:~] lucidlee% /Applications/Data/Servoy/sybase_db/dbsrv9; exit
dyld: /Applications/Data/Servoy/sybase_db/dbsrv9 can't open library: libdbserv9_r.dylib (No such file or directory, errno = 2)

but the file is here
[HumDinger:~] lucidlee% /Applications/Data/Servoy/sybase_db/libdbserv9_r.dylib
so I don't understand why it fails to find it.
There is no sybase.log so I guess the engine never fires up. When I check the DB Server Preferences for the standard databases (repository_server etc) they all specify the firebird driver:
yet shows this
# Definition 1
and other definitions are similar. Also sybase.config shows this
-ti 0 -x tcpip{dobroadcast=no} -qs -qw -o sybase_db/sybase_log.txt
which seems pretty much as it should be, so what is the problem and how do I recover from this snafu?

Mac G4 512Mb RAM, Macosx 10.3.5, Java 1.4.2
Additional info: I did have 3 servoy directories - two with a Firebird repository, one other with Sybase which I used most often and recently with success except I could never get Sybase Central to install.
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Update on fsilure

Postby lucidlee » Wed Aug 25, 2004 4:00 pm

I've just reinstalled Servoy 2.0.4 again and now I have (or had) a fully functioning developer. I say 'had' because after creating a few database connections and the like I've now encountered a showstopper bug.

After updating to v2.1 rc4 I'm now getting a stall in the application load phse. Specifically, the application load process doesn't complete, freezing while loading plug-ins.
Lee Rydstrand
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Postby jcompagner » Wed Aug 25, 2004 11:26 pm

what happens if you just do a clean 2.1RC4 install (Different directory!!!)
and when you start it make sure there is no sybase running.
Do you then get the default working installation on sybase?
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Postby lucidlee » Thu Aug 26, 2004 3:24 am

Erasing and then reinstalling seems to have done the trick - but now I'm nervous that this problem will recur and that the only solution is to reinstall. I would really like to know how/where to trouble shoot these sort of mishaps - or is that an old-fashioned way to deal with them?

Also, and I don't know if its connected, but my previous failure to startup (stuck at load plugins) came after I downloaded the manual and then restarted Servoy.

To tempt fate i've just gone through that procedure again, but succesfully restarted.

Fingers crossed.
Lee Rydstrand
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Postby swingman » Sun Sep 05, 2004 10:21 am

I think I have hit the same or a very similar problem trying to install version 2.1 on Mac OS X 10.2.6 where I have had 2.0.4 running fine.

Sybase does not start, so Servoy can't find the repository.
Using the terminal I see the following:

I have made clean installs deleting everything first and restarting the mac...

What is going on? Is this a Mac OS 10.2 bug or a Sybase problem?
It does not understand that dbsrv9 is an executable...
terminal.jpg (51.03 KiB) Viewed 29415 times
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Postby swingman » Sun Sep 05, 2004 11:30 am

I have checked the enviroment variables using the

Code: Select all

command in the tcsh shell and there was no mention of a path to the sybase directory. Not sure if this is neccesary, but I then added the following paths

Code: Select all

to the paths in my .tcshrc and

Code: Select all

is found and executes.
But when I start Servoy Developer it still fails to start sybase.
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Postby swingman » Sun Sep 05, 2004 11:50 am

I have just discovered that the
"startup launcher" setting in Application Preferences/Designer was empty.
I filled it in with the value from a working installation.

And now Servoy works!
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Postby swingman » Tue Sep 14, 2004 7:53 am

Just a postscript to my struggles.
Two days later the harddisk on the server crashed. It was an old disk which had been used intensively for over 4 years.

The crash had nothing to do with Servoy or Sybase -- and it explains why I had all those strange problems!

Once the server had been rebuilt using a new harddisk I installed again and everything worked in the first attempt :-)
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