Problem in installing SVN in both MAC and Windows

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Problem in installing SVN in both MAC and Windows

Postby pkb » Mon Nov 14, 2011 5:38 pm

Hi everyone,

I have problem in installation of SVN team repository in both MAC and Windows.

In Windows, after creating a SVN repository location and checking out the project from SVN repository, an error with message ".project file is missing,please restore it"

In MAC, every time it shows an error message "Installing new software encountered a problem" ( even though
i uncheck the software which i cannot install and trying to re-insatll, it repeats
the same message with another software )

Ex: I got an error message "Installing Collabnet software encountered a problem" and if i uncheck that and try to reinstall, it shows an error message "Installing JNA library..encountered a problem"

Please provide me a solution to solve these problems.
Posts: 48
Joined: Thu Feb 11, 2010 1:51 pm

Re: Problem in installing SVN in both MAC and Windows

Postby Andrei Costescu » Thu Nov 24, 2011 4:35 pm

Duplicate. To be discussed here: here.
Andrei Costescu
Andrei Costescu
Posts: 1018
Joined: Tue Jun 26, 2007 3:14 pm

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