Installing Servoy on Linux Centos

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Installing Servoy on Linux Centos

Postby cuoredisardegna@tiscali.i » Thu Dec 22, 2011 1:43 pm

Hi to All,
after having installed Linux 3.5 on Linux CentOS I have a doubt.
1.) In order to install not as root, I made an user.
2.) Then I sent the command :
Code: Select all
java -jar ./servoy_developer.jar -console

3.) But the command could not be executed for permission problems. For this reason I had to became super usere with "su root" command.

4.) Then, as superuser, I sent again the command:
Code: Select all
java -jar ./servoy_developer.jar -console

Is the installation right?

Tanks in advance.
Gianni Pinna.
Posts: 151
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Location: Sassari

Re: Installing Servoy on Linux Centos

Postby Detox » Tue Mar 13, 2012 2:33 am

I use Centos and have Servoy 3.5 running very well.

What I did was changed ownership of a folder (say - /opt or /srv etc) to a normal user and Install Servoy as that user.

When I installed Sybase ASA, I had to install as root, but this does not affect servoy.

I have installed Servoy 6.2 (server) on a Centos 6 machine and this installed fine. I have created a user for servoy (ie servoyusr), installed into a folder that servoyusr owns, connected to PostgreSQL and it runs great.

So, you do not, nor should you, install servoy as root or sudo....
Hope this helps
Posts: 73
Joined: Wed Dec 13, 2006 11:02 pm

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