I have just installed Servoy 6.0.5 on a 10.7 Mac:
- Code: Select all
Servoy version 6.0.5 -build 1230
Port used by RMI Registry: 1099
Repository version 40 (5FE7EF9E-91E7-4A09-851A-CA477B66CE17)
Current time: Fri Feb 10 09:17:44 GMT 2012
Uptime: 3 minutes 14 seconds
Server ID: B5DFEA37-386E-4D4E-91BF-DEECD3622775
JVM Information
java.vm.name=Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
java.vm.info=mixed mode
java.vm.vendor=Apple Inc.
Operating System Information
os.name=Mac OS X
System Information
Heap Space Memory: allocated=74952K, used=49743K, max=1306496K
Non-Heap Space Memory: allocated=77040K, used=57743K, max=180224K
We want to test a large solution converted to Servoy 6 before deployment.
I don't have any client licenses installed on the server, but this use should count as Evaluation.
I can go to the donut and launch a client, but no solution comes up, just a grey screen.
And 'File-Open' is grayed out.
Any ideas?