Import 2 Solutions into an old Servoy 7 with shared modules

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Import 2 Solutions into an old Servoy 7 with shared modules

Postby d.pearce1417196993 » Mon Dec 06, 2021 1:19 pm


I am doing an import due to working with parallels on an ARM Mac as my old windows instance wont work.

I have two solutions with shared modules.

On importing the first clean it works fine, but the second I do, not as clean, and it obviously asks me to rename the modules it already has, which I decline.

It imports fine, and the modules can be seen in the second solution, but it comes up with 416 errors as the forms which are extended, for example, appear to have unresolved extension links with the modules that were already there.

Trying to find a way not to have to remember which forms are extended and correct each one, or to have to have my old and new solutions open and go through each one from machine to machine.

Is there any way that I can do the import and not get the errors in the second solution. Would not exporting the modules that already exist help? or would I get the same problem??

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Import 2 Solutions into an old Servoy 7 with shared mod

Postby ROCLASI » Thu Dec 09, 2021 2:25 pm

Hi David,

Why are you importing the first module as clean? This will give it all new UUIDs.
This is probably the reason for your unresolved parent forms.

Hope this helps.
Robert Ivens
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Re: Import 2 Solutions into an old Servoy 7 with shared mod

Postby d.pearce1417196993 » Thu Dec 09, 2021 4:55 pm

THanks Robert.

That makes sense.

Only because it was the first solution in my new instance!

Ill try it again not as clean.

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Joined: Fri Nov 28, 2014 7:49 pm

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