Fonts and the JVM

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Fonts and the JVM

Postby dlclark » Thu Feb 17, 2022 1:38 am

Getting an error when running a Jasper report. Initially, Jasper reports could not find the font; so I downloaded and placed in MEDIA folder, as suggested in another thread.

Now I get an error that the JVM cannot find the font. Where does that get installed on a Servoy/Windows installation?


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Re: Fonts and the JVM

Postby robert.edelmann » Thu Feb 17, 2022 1:50 am

Jasper Reports is generally picky in regards to fonts. depending on the client you need to do different things.

If you are using smartclient and use the included report-viewer, you need the font on your client-machine.

If you use ng- or webclient and generate the fonts on the server, you need to create a font-extension, which is basically a jar with the font-files (check the license of the font) and include the font-extension in yout plugin-folder and modify the servoy_jasperreports.jar.jnlp .

The creation of the font-extension is described here:

I have the following reference in the servoy_jasperreports.jar.jnlp:
Code: Select all
<jar href="/plugins/servoy_jasperreports/font_extension.jar" download="eager" version="%%version%%"/>

That solved most of my font-problems.
mit freundlichen Grüßen
Robert Stefan Edelmann
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