Installing to destination other than Servoy

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Installing to destination other than Servoy

Postby Westy » Fri Jul 16, 2004 3:48 pm

On Windows 2000/XP, if we build an installer that installs our solution to a folder other than "Servoy", what files do we need to change paths in?

It appears that the paths would need to be changed in the sybase.config and sybase.config_service files. It also appears that a couple of paths within the wrapper.conf file will need to be changed.

Are their any other files that need to be changed. Is there anything else we should be careful of if we install to a folder other than "Servoy"?
Posts: 852
Joined: Fri Feb 13, 2004 5:27 am
Location: Lynnfield, Massachusetts USA

Postby Westy » Fri Jul 23, 2004 3:28 am

I am going to jump in and try to answer my own question on this one, then if I am wrong someone can correct me.

On Windows installations it looks like it is easiest if the contents of the following files look like this:

sybase_db/sybase.config =
-ti 0 -x tcpip{dobroadcast=no} -qs -qw -o "c:/program files/servoy/sybase_db/sybase_log.txt"
"c:/program files/servoy/database/servoy_repository.db"
"c:/program files/servoy/database/log_data.db"
"c:/program files/servoy/database/updates.db"
"c:/program files/servoy/database/yoursolutiondatabase.db"

sybase_db/sybase.config_Service =
-ti 0 -x tcpip{dobroadcast=no} -qs -qw -o
"c:/Program Files/servoy/sybase_db/sybase_log.txt"
"c:/Program Files/servoy/database/servoy_repository.db"
"c:/Program Files/servoy/database/log_data.db"
"c:/Program Files/servoy/database/updates.db"
"c:/program files/servoy/database/yoursolutiondatabase.db"

Plus the service/wrapper.conf file appears to have a couple of lines that depend on the default "c:/program files/servoy/" installation path.

It appears that using the above syntax makes it easier to switch an installation over to run as a service (perhaps at the cost of making things more rigid from an installer standpoint).

I assume changing a solution over to another local destination path (after an intallation has been completed) is just a matter of changing the paths in the above three files to the alternative installation path, and moving and renaming the servoy folder accordingly.

It appears that installing Servoy Application Server as a Windows service can be done by creating and then opening a simple bat file (text file saved with a .bat extension) as follows:

Install Servoy Server service.bat =
"c:\program files\servoy\service\wrapper.exe" -i "c:\program files\servoy\service\wrapper.conf"

or removed by a similar bat file:

Remove Servoy Server service.bat =
"c:\program files\servoy\service\wrapper.exe" -r "c:\program files\servoy\service\wrapper.conf"

I've included the bat file descriptions for the benefit of DOS challenged people (like myself).

Again, if any of the above is wrong or if there is a better way, please let me know.
Posts: 852
Joined: Fri Feb 13, 2004 5:27 am
Location: Lynnfield, Massachusetts USA

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