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To Buy or Not to Buy (FM 6)? - That is the Question.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2003 1:45 am
by Tony_Adrian
Hey Scott,

If you want to build stuff that NEVER has even the slightest chance of requiring future scalability without tremendous amounts of coding, workarounds, and incredible effort to maintain referential integrity - by all means work in FMP.

We started out with FMP & it worked well with us. For a few years.

Now our FMP product has helped a number of clients build multi-million dollar enterprises and we hit a dead end. Luckily Servoy came along when it did and now we have an exit strategy. Instead of having to wave goodby to these clients we helped become successful, now we can lead with them to places none of us ever envisioned.

I am not trying to disrespect FMP in any way but FM Corporation seems content. "Content" is not what I want to see in a software vendor.

So if you want to do some stuff really fast out of the box for a few end users to a few dozen end users - FMP works well. If your sights are for larger, more easily maintained solutions I'd recommend going right to the Servoy store, buy the hard copy documentation, and getting right into Servoy.