I created two tables and connected them via a Servoy Relation with a key value. However, this is a One to Many relation. As in, there's multiple records connected to one specific record.
The issue I'm facing is trying to figure out how to load a specific related record to coincide with the main record. Is there a way of doing that?
- Code: Select all
var record_second = foundset.getSelectedRecord()
/** @type {UUID} */
var uuid_second = record_second.uuid
forms.form_view.load_2ndUUID( uuid_second )
forms.form_view.load_mainUUID( scopes.MainView.get_main_uuid() )
scopes.NAV.change_forwardForm( 'form_view' )
Right now I'm getting this secondary record in the 'Many' relation, load it into the foundset & then load the main record in the 'One' relation.... and instead of loading the specified secondary record, it loads another record in the 'Many' relation. Again, I'm not sure how to specify to the foundset which related record I want to load. Is there anything else besides ' foundset.loadRecord( UUID ) ' that I can do that?