HOW TO: Change your keystore password into a cert password

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HOW TO: Change your keystore password into a cert password

Postby Providence1 » Wed Apr 08, 2015 8:32 pm

You might find that you created a password for your jks keystore that is different from the password used for your certificate alias password.

Since the current code signer, CodeSigner7 does not afford you the opportunity to enter a certificate alias password, if it's different form the jks keytore, yet, you can use the keytool to change the jks to the cert alias. Here's how to do it while avoiding the convoluted syntax and confusion of the following site: ... -passwords

Make sure the CodeSigner7.jar, codesigner.bat and jks file are in your application_server folder in Servoy.

Open a command line window and type in the following:

Code: Select all
cd "C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin"

I have quotes around the path because I dragged the path from the location window of a Windows folder that was already pointed toward that path.

You will now find yourself in the keystool folder where everything (dll's) the keytool needs to fire reside.

Now enter this into the command line:

Code: Select all
keytool -storepasswd -keystore C:\Servoy\application_server\yoursigned-cert.jks

Don't make any typos or you'll be struggling to find the correct syntax and cursing at Windows.

The command will line will prompt you with this:

Code: Select all
Enter keystore password:

Copy your CURRENT keystore password and paste it in. The cursor will NOT move. And select enter/return.

Select (carriage) return or enter and the command line will prompt you with:

Code: Select all
New keystore password:

Copy and paste your CURRENT certificate password. Again the cursor will NOT move. And select enter/return.

The command line will prompt you with this:

Code: Select all
Re-enter new keystore password:

Again, paste in your CURRENT certificate password. Again the cursor will NOT move. And select enter/return.

But if everything went according to plan the command line will return to this:
C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin>
and your keystore password your will be the same as your certificate alias password.

To test this you can enter the following into the command line:

Code: Select all
keytool -v -list -keystore
and enter your new password and watch the output.

Hope this helps!
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