Get elapsed time between two timestamps

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Get elapsed time between two timestamps

Postby friedrich toussaint » Tue Jan 04, 2005 9:37 am

a happy new year to everybody,

with look for the causes of performance problems I found the posting of bcusic: ... ht=elapsed

the script works great, but i needed it somewhere more flexible: here is my version:

there are four arguments, syntax looks like this:

elements.result.txt = globals.getElapsed(globals.gStartDate, globals.gEndDate, 'txt', 'DD'); = globals.getElapsed(globals.gStartDate, globals.gEndDate, 'int', ';');
elements.result.num = globals.getElapsed(globals.gStartDate, globals.gEndDate, 'num', 'HH');

the code:
// get arguments
var beg = arguments[0]; // start date
var end = arguments[1]; // end date
var ret_type = arguments[2]; // the return data type
var ret_format = arguments[3]; // the return data format
arg1 = startdate
arg2 = enddate
arg3 = return data type, 'txt', 'int' or 'num'
arg4 = return data fornat,
at arg3 = 'txt' : the bigest returned format based on,
e.g.: 'HH' returns 'HH:mm:ss:SSS' or
'DD' returns 'DD HH:mm:ss:SSS' or
'ss' returns 'ss:SSS'
at arg3 = 'int' : define ret_format delimiter
e.g: ';' returns the array 'DD;HH;mm;ss;ms'
at arg3 = 'num' : define ret_format you want to return,
e.g.: 'DD', 'HH', 'mm', 'ss' or 'SSS'
// calc difference (milliseconds)
var dif = Math.ceil(end - beg);
// calc returns number
var days = dif / 86400000;
var hours = dif / 3600000;
var minutes = dif / 60000;
var seconds = dif / 1000;
var milliseconds = dif / 1;
// calc returns int for can do DD HH-mm-ss-ms
var int_days = Math.abs(dif / 86400000);
var rest_days = dif % 86400000;
var int_hours = Math.abs(rest_days / 3600000);
var rest_hours = rest_days % 3600000;
var int_minutes = Math.abs(rest_hours /60000);
var rest_minutes = rest_hours % 60000;
var int_seconds = Math.abs(rest_minutes / 1000);
var rest_seconds = rest_minutes % 1000;
// calc return num/txt for can do DD HH-mm-ss-SSS
if (days == 0)
var numD = '000';
else if (days < 10)
var numD = '00' + utils.numberFormat(Math.floor(days), 0);
else if (days < 100)
var numD = '0' + utils.numberFormat(Math.floor(days), 0);
var numD = utils.numberFormat(Math.floor(days), 0);
if (hours == 0)
var numH = '00';
else if (hours < 10)
var numH = '0' + utils.numberFormat(Math.floor(hours), 0);
var numH = utils.numberFormat(Math.floor(hours), 0);
if (minutes == 0)
var numM = '00';
else if (minutes < 10)
var numM = '0' + utils.numberFormat(Math.floor(minutes), 0);
var numM = utils.numberFormat(Math.floor(minutes), 0);
if (seconds == 0)
var numS = '00';
else if (seconds < 10)
var numS = '0' + utils.numberFormat(Math.floor(seconds), 0);
var numS = utils.numberFormat(Math.floor(seconds), 0);
if (milliseconds == 0)
var numMS = '0000';
else if (milliseconds < 10)
var numMS = '00' + utils.numberFormat(milliseconds, 0);
else if (milliseconds < 100)
var numMS = '0' + utils.numberFormat(milliseconds, 0);
var numMS = utils.numberFormat(milliseconds, 0);
// calc return int/txt for can do DD HH-mm-ss-SSS
if (int_days == 0)
var intD = '000';
else if (int_days < 10)
var intD = '00' + utils.numberFormat(Math.floor(int_days), 0);
else if (days < 100)
var intD = '0' + utils.numberFormat(Math.floor(int_days), 0);
var intD = utils.numberFormat(Math.floor(int_days), 0);
if (int_hours == 0)
var intH = '00';
else if (int_hours < 10)
var intH = '0' + utils.numberFormat(Math.floor(int_hours), 0);
var intH = utils.numberFormat(Math.floor(int_hours), 0);
if (int_minutes == 0)
var intM = '00';
else if (int_minutes < 10)
var intM = '0' + utils.numberFormat(Math.floor(int_minutes), 0);
var intM = utils.numberFormat(Math.floor(int_minutes), 0);
if (int_seconds == 0)
var intS = '00';
else if (int_seconds < 10)
var intS = '0' + utils.numberFormat(Math.floor(int_seconds), 0);
var intS = utils.numberFormat(Math.floor(int_seconds), 0);
if (rest_seconds == 0)
var intMS = '000';
else if (rest_seconds < 10)
var intMS = '00' + utils.numberFormat(rest_seconds, 0);
else if (rest_seconds < 100)
var intMS = '0' + utils.numberFormat(rest_seconds, 0);
var intMS = utils.numberFormat(rest_seconds, 0);
// check ret_type
switch( ret_type )
case 'txt' : if (!ret_format)
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog( 'Error', 'err#0002: type txt, no return format defined!', 'OK');
case 'DD' : var ret_calc = 'DD HH:mm:ss,SSS';
ret_calc = utils.stringReplace(ret_calc, 'DD', numD);
ret_calc = utils.stringReplace(ret_calc, 'HH', intH);
ret_calc = utils.stringReplace(ret_calc, 'mm', intM);
ret_calc = utils.stringReplace(ret_calc, 'ss', intS);
ret_calc = utils.stringReplace(ret_calc, 'SSS', intMS);
case 'HH' : var ret_calc = 'HH:mm:ss:SSS';
ret_calc = utils.stringReplace(ret_calc, 'HH', numH);
ret_calc = utils.stringReplace(ret_calc, 'mm', intM);
ret_calc = utils.stringReplace(ret_calc, 'ss', intS);
ret_calc = utils.stringReplace(ret_calc, 'SSS', intMS);
case 'mm' : var ret_calc = 'mm:ss:SSS';
ret_calc = utils.stringReplace(ret_calc, 'mm', numM);
ret_calc = utils.stringReplace(ret_calc, 'ss', intS);
ret_calc = utils.stringReplace(ret_calc, 'SSS', intMS);
case 'ss' : var ret_calc = 'ss:SSS';
ret_calc = utils.stringReplace(ret_calc, 'ss', numS);
ret_calc = utils.stringReplace(ret_calc, 'SSS', intMS);
case 'SSS' : var ret_calc = 'SSS';
ret_calc = utils.stringReplace(ret_calc, 'SSS', numMS);
default : plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog( 'Error', 'err#0002: type txt, wrong return format defined!', 'OK');
case 'int' :if (!ret_format)
plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog( 'Error', 'err#0003: type int, no return format defined!', 'OK');
var ret_calc = 'DD' + ret_format + 'HH' + ret_format + 'mm' + ret_format + 'ss' + ret_format + 'SSS';
ret_calc = utils.stringReplace(ret_calc, 'DD', utils.numberFormat(int_days, 0));
ret_calc = utils.stringReplace(ret_calc, 'HH', utils.numberFormat(int_hours, 0));
ret_calc = utils.stringReplace(ret_calc, 'mm', utils.numberFormat(int_minutes, 0));
ret_calc = utils.stringReplace(ret_calc, 'ss', utils.numberFormat(int_seconds, 0));
ret_calc = utils.stringReplace(ret_calc, 'SSS', utils.numberFormat(rest_seconds, 0));
case 'num' : var ret_array = ret_format.split(',',2);
switch( ret_array[0])
case 'DD' : var ret_calc = days;
case 'HH' : var ret_calc = hours;
case 'mm' : var ret_calc = minutes;
case 'ss' : var ret_calc = seconds;
case 'SSS' : var ret_calc = milliseconds;
default : plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog( 'Error', 'err#0004: type num, no or wrong return format defined!', 'OK');
default: plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog( 'Error', 'err#0001: no return type defined!', 'OK');
// return calculation
return ret_calc;

have a nice day
your friedrich toussaint
friedrich toussaint
Posts: 31
Joined: Tue Aug 03, 2004 1:32 pm
Location: Linz, Austria

Postby bcusick » Wed Jan 05, 2005 11:29 pm


Thanks for sharing this!

Nice work!
Bob Cusick
Posts: 1255
Joined: Wed Apr 23, 2003 11:27 pm
Location: Thousand Oaks, CA USA

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