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MySQL Status Monitor module

PostPosted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 9:25 pm
by ngervasi
Investigating how the new DataGrid bean works I managed to create this simple solution to monitor a MySQL server, it simply uses some status queries to retrieve status information from the DB and display using the datagrid without the need of any underlying table.
You can download the solution from here:
OpenSource and free, you can even use it as a module in your own apps.
Doesn't use any table so you can import it in your favourite Server Connection as long as it points to a MySQL Server.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 6:19 pm
by Harry Catharell
Hi Nicola,

I have downloaded this but not had time to go through it yet.

However, I must just say, 'thank you very much' for taking the time to put this demo together. Your time and effort is much appreciated.

OK, now gird your loins for the stupid questions which come back from me once I HAVE had time to look through it :lol:


PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 6:27 pm
by ngervasi
Harry Catharell wrote:Hi Nicola,

I have downloaded this but not had time to go through it yet.

However, I must just say, 'thank you very much' for taking the time to put this demo together. Your time and effort is much appreciated.

OK, now gird your loins for the stupid questions which come back from me once I HAVE had time to look through it :lol:


Questions are welcome! :D

PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 9:56 pm
by clintboss32
This doesn't seem to work with Servoy 3.5b2... or is there a MySQL-related bean missing?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 10:57 pm
by ngervasi
It's not working anymore.
Servoyans changed something during 3.1 development and now you can't load datasets from MySQL status functions. :cry:
Maybe the dev team can fix this?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 11:17 pm
by clintboss32
ok... thanks for following up so quickly!!!

Google releases patches that enhance the manageability and

PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 4:09 pm
by coulombre

Thought this would be of interest in this thread.


Google releases patches that enhance the manageability and reliability of MySQL
Monday, April 23, 2007

Posted by Mark Callaghan, Software Engineer

Though you may think of us as simply a company with a big search index, Google uses MySQL, the open source relational database, in some of the applications that we build that are not search related.

We think MySQL is a fantastic data storage solution, and as our projects push the requirements for the database in certain areas, we've made changes to enhance MySQL itself, mainly in the areas of high availability and manageability.

We would love for the some of these changes to be merged with the official MySQL release, but until then we felt strongly that anyone should have access to them, thus we have released the changes with a GPL license for the MySQL community to use and review.

What have we added and enhanced?

The high availability features include support for semi-synchronous replication, mirroring the binlog from a master to a slave, quickly promoting a slave to a master during failover, and keeping InnoDB and replication state on a slave consistent during crash recovery.

The manageability features include new SQL statements for monitoring resource usage by table and account. This includes the ability to count the number of rows fetched or changed per account or per table. It also includes the number of seconds of database time an account uses to execute SQL commands.

More details:

* SemiSyncReplication - block commit on a master until at least one slave acknowledges receipt of all replication events.
* MirroredBinlogs - maintain a copy of the master's binlog on a slave
* TransactionalReplication - make InnoDB and slave replication state consistent during crash recovery
* UserTableMonitoring - monitor and report database activity per account and table
* InnodbAsyncIo - support multiple background IO threads for InnoDB
* FastMasterPromotion - promote a slave to a master without restart

The current patches are for version 4 of MySQL, with version 5 support coming shortly.

We look forward to hearing from the large MySQL community.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 4:11 pm
by clintboss32