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HOW TO: Understanding the different JOIN types in Servoy 3.5

PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 11:57 pm
by sbutler
To help clear up some confusion, I have made a diagram showing the different JOIN types supported in Servoy 3.5. Hope this helps.


PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 12:20 am
by amcgilly
I haven't played with outer joins in 3.5 yet but I have this question:

Let's say you use an outer join to create a foundset and some of the columns are empty because there was no matching record in a related table. And let's say you display the foundset in a form where those empty columns are editable. That would put Servoy in a situation that makes no sense (i.e. editing db columns that don't exist). What will Servoy do if you let a user edit those non-existent columns? Is there some built-in protection against that or is it just up to the Servoy developer to be careful to avoid it?